Chapter 55: Dispute

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[ Is there something wrong with my eyes? Who's going to wake me up? ]

[ Can I say that it's a little beautiful? Am I alone? ]

[ You're not the only one in front. Eh, why do I feel like I'm scolding you? But please be more confident and remove the 'a little' part. I think she's really beautiful. ]

[ F*ck, am I supposed to say that the Heavenly Spirit Princess in my heart is like this? ]

[ Tsk, you guys are too naive. You guys even believe in edited photos? I'll make you look like a fairy in minutes. ]

[ That's right. Hasn't Xia Photoshop done a lot of things? She takes advantage of her good looks and fixes especially beautiful photos every time. In the end, she collapses the moment the drama is released. Her parents don't even recognize her. ]

What aroused intense discussion was the three photos posted on Weibo.

The first picture was of when she was young. In the imperial garden that was filled with flowers, the little princess, who was dressed in exquisite palace attire, sat on the swing without any worries. There were a group of maids beside her, and the little princess raised her head. Her clear eyes were filled with innocence that did not know anything about the world. Furthermore, because she had been pampered for a long time, her every movement had a noble arrogance.

In the second picture, the bustling hall was empty. A beautiful figure was sitting alone at the wine table. Her eyebrows were raised slightly, and her pale gold eyes outlined boundless charm. It was only the side of her face, but it made people's hearts tremble.

The third scene had changed. At this moment, the former Heavenly Spirit Princess had experienced chaotic times and had become the new emperor's beloved concubine. On the luxurious throne of the palace, the well-dressed imperial concubine looked at the bright moon on the palace walls alone. Her eyes were empty and lonely. Although she was under the bright lights, it made people feel the endless darkness on her body.

The role of the Heavenly Spirit Princess was rich in layers. Different phases of life had different personalities. From the photos posted by the production team, every photo had an extremely obvious difference in style.

Other than some anti-fans and other stakeholders who criticized and criticized her, most people were very satisfied with Xia Wanyuan's appearance.

As for the trending topic of "Xia Wanyuan" that had been trending because of Bo Yi, it was gradually occupied by the three photos posted by the production team of "The Long Ballad". The originally ridiculing trending topic square was gradually filled with the genuine amazement of passersby.

"Damn it!"

Ever since the production team had posted on Weibo, Ruan Yingyu had been paying close attention to what was happening on the Internet.

Seeing the comments on her on Weibo and how everyone was amazed by Xia Wanyuan, Ruan Yingyu felt both angry and hateful.

In the production team, she had clearly given everyone afternoon tea, but in the end, many people in the production team became even closer to Xia Wanyuan.

If I made the bridal costume for Xia Wanyuan and became her accompaniment, wouldn't I have gotten the female lead role for nothing?

"Say, this Xia Wanyuan is really strange. In the past, when her family was rich, she didn't live up to expectations. Now that she's bankrupt, it's as if she's enlightened. Her acting skills are soaring."

Her assistant carefully glanced at Ruan Yingyu, afraid that she would lose her temper again.

She's a bad actress who seduces men everywhere. No matter how well she acts, how much will the audience like her?" Ruan Yingyu flipped through the photos on her phone and her lips curled up.

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