Chapter 232: Flourishing Beauty

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Although many people were mocking Xia Wanyuan's celebrity status for not being going enough for Hays, the current Xia Wanyuan's fan base was already beginning to take shape.

The passers-by who had a good impression of Xia Wanyuan because of her role as the Heavenly Spirit Princess were also speaking up for her.

The comments were split between haters and supporters.

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"It's finally not a one-sided criticism anymore." Chen Yun looked at Xia Wanyuan's Weibo comments with mixed emotions. A few months ago, no matter what Xia Wanyuan posted, she would be scolded by the netizens.

Now, even fans and passers-by were willing to speak up for Xia Wanyuan. It was not easy.

"She'll get better slowly. Wanyuan's charm will make everyone crazy for her one day." Tang Yin had not followed the entertainment industry in the past few years.

It was only after taking over Xia Wanyuan that she learned about her past.

She could not believe that the uncouth, arrogant, and unreasonable Xia Wanyuan that the netizens had mentioned was the person she knew.

But at the same time, she was filled with admiration for Xia Wanyuan.

Although she didn't know how Xia Wanyuan had survived, she felt that the current Xia Wanyuan could be said to be a phoenix undergoing nirvana. Sooner or later, the phoenix would cry out in the nine heavens and soar through the four seas.


It was soon nighttime. Because she had sent a preview in advance, there were already some true love fans waiting on Xia Wanyuan's Weibo.

It was half-past seven when Xia Wanyuan's live stream started on time.

"Good evening, everyone."

Weibo live-stream was different from Cat's Tooth live-stream. The Weibo interface was very small and was very suitable for phone users.

Hence, this led to the live broadcast on Weibo. If one was slightly closer, their face would fill the entire screen.

Xia Wanyuan had simple makeup on, but her facial features were too good. With a little adjustment, she had an amazing beauty.

[ Mommy, this beautiful face is killing me! ]

[ Respirator, respirator, I think I see a god. ]

[ Boohoo, look good, look good. Forgive me for being poor at words. I only know how to praise people. She's too beautiful. Oh my god. ]

In this superficial world, the moment Xia Wanyuan showed her face, the popularity of the live-stream soared, and the gift special effects kept lighting up.

Furthermore, a celebrity's live stream was originally more eye-catching than an internet celebrity's live stream. Soon, Xia Wanyuan's live-streams popularity ranked in the top three on Weibo. Many passers-by surged in and became even more popular.

"Can you see clearly?" It was Xia Wanyuan's first time using Weibo for a live broadcast, so she was still a little unfamiliar. To verify the camera, Xia Wanyuan leaned closer to the camera.

Her long eyelashes were distinct, and her tall nose bridge drew a beautiful arc in the camera.

[! I can't see clearly! Lean closer!]

[ Oh my god!!! I declare! I'm going to become a fan of Xia Wanyuan. Yes, I'm so superficial. How can she be so good-looking? ]

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