Chapter 150: The Competition Begins

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An extremely bright light quickly rose into the sky from the opposite side of the lake, and then transformed into a gorgeous flower that bloomed in the sky. Before the flower completely disappeared, another brilliant golden chrysanthemum leaped into the sky, gorgeous and resplendent. The gorgeous fireworks actually bloomed in the dark night sky, and specks of golden light scattered and overflowed with colors.

Soon, colorful fireworks lit up the lake in front of the castle.

Huge fireworks exploded in the sky, and petals fell like rain.

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Xiao Bao leaned over the railing happily to look, but because he was too short, he could not find a suitable position after crawling for a long time. He could only turn his head to look for Jun Shiling.

"No snacks for a week." Jun Shiling received Xiao Bao's begging gaze and made a request.

"Okay, Daddy, carry me." Xiao Bao reached out to Jun Shiling.

Only then did Jun Shiling go forward and carry Xiao Bao. Together with Xia Wanyuan, they stood on the high platform and looked at the mountains and rivers in front of them.

"Aiyo, why is it so crowded? Why are there so many people today??"

Many of the country's traditional culture had been lost over the years, and most young people did not like to see these old arts.

Hence, every time the Ancient Zither Association held a concert, it was always attended by those old fans.

This time, they arrived at the theater as usual, only to find that there was a sea of people in front of them.

"They're all here to attend the Ancient Zither Association's concert."

Upon hearing the passers-by 'answers, these old fans were puzzled. They had never heard that the Ancient Zither Association was so popular. Didn't they say that they had no successors? Why were there suddenly so many fans here?

Outside the theater, paparazzi reporters, who had heard the news, were already waiting there. They had even thought of the title. "Shocking! An old artist and a famous starlet actually openly...!"

In the backstage of the theater, looking at the sea of people sitting in the theater, Guo Tian drank a mouthful of tea smugly and even leisurely sang a little song.

The other colleagues in the association felt embarrassed.

Initially, when they played the zither well and held a concert, they attracted people who knew the zither. This was an exchange between the performers and listeners.

Now that Guo Tian had done this, it seemed like the Ancient Zither Association was using the popularity to increase their ticket sales.

Furthermore, as a top-notch ancient zither master in the country, it was really despicable for Guo Tian to argue with a young lady like this.

After the competition between Guo Tian and Xia Wanyuan was confirmed, many live-stream websites had come to ask Guo Tian for authorization to broadcast the entire competition. After all, the venue of the concert was limited, and a large number of spectators could not come personally.

In the end, Guo Tian chose the small website with the highest bid.

[ Coming, coming, coming. In the front row, there are beers, drinks, mineral water, peanuts, melon seeds, and eight treasure porridge. Is there anyone who wants it? ]

[ The person in front, give me a bag of melon seeds. Thank you. I owe you the money first. ]

[ Where's Xia Wanyuan? Why isn't she here yet? Could she have run away? ]

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