Chapter 256: CEO Jun, the Punching Bag

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Xia Wanyuan felt that she had never spoken so carelessly.

Jun Shiling's heart sank at Xia Wanyuan's words.

It seemed that the previous few intimate actions had finally aroused Xia Wanyuan's disgust, to the point that she was resisting him to this extent.

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"Then don't eat. Have some tea." Jun Shiling suppressed the gloom in his heart and forced a smile as he poured Xia Wanyuan a cup of tea.

"That's not what I meant." Xia Wanyuan herself did not know why her tone had suddenly turned bad. She had always been good at controlling her emotions.

"I know. Have some tea." Jun Shiling smiled and handed the teacup to Xia Wanyuan. He picked up the bowl and quietly ate the food on the table.

Jun Shiling, who was wrapped in a fierce aura, actually looked a little aggrieved.

The food that Xia Wanyuan prepared was for two people. Xia Wanyuan didn't move her chopsticks much, and Jun Shiling slowly ate all the food that Xia Wanyuan had prepared.

"Aren't you full?" Xia Wanyuan was a little surprised.

"It'll be wasted if we can't finish it." Jun Shiling usually controlled his diet and did not eat much. Now that he had eaten two portions of food, he felt fine.

Furthermore, this was made by Xia Wanyuan. He did not know if he would be able to eat her cooking in the future. Jun Shiling sighed silently in his heart. He naturally did not want to waste it at all.

After dinner, Xia Wanyuan wanted to return to the manor.

Jun Shiling informed Lin Jing on his phone and postponed all the meetings in the afternoon. Then he looked at Xia Wanyuan. "I happen to have nothing on in the afternoon. Let's go back together."


The car drove on the streets and suddenly passed by a cake shop. Thinking of Xia Wanyuan's love for sweets, Jun Shiling got the chauffeur to get out of the car and buy one.

As she did not eat much for lunch, when Xia Wanyuan smelled the cake, her appetite was aroused.

She scooped a spoonful and placed it in her mouth. The taste was slightly bitter. It tasted a little like plums?

Xia Wanyuan lowered her head to look at the packaging on the box. As expected, it was green plum.

Upon seeing the words 'green plum' [1. The Chinese words for 'green plum' is the same as the first two words of 'childhood sweetheart' in Chinese.], Xia Wanyuan recalled the words' childhood sweetheart 'and 'Brother Shiling' that Zheng Fei had mentioned. She immediately lost her appetite and placed the remaining cake on the table.

"Are you unwell?" Jun Shiling asked Xia Wanyuan in concern.

"I feel pretty good." For some reason, Xia Wanyuan felt an unknown complicated emotion surge in her heart when she saw Jun Shiling.

Sensing the impatience in Xia Wanyuan's tone, Jun Shiling clenched his fists slightly and stopped disturbing her.

After returning to the manor, Xia Wanyuan leaned on the sofa and watched television. Jun Shiling did not go to the study to work, which was unusual. Instead, he sat by the French windows and looked out at the garden. No one knew what he was thinking.

Uncle Wang was experienced. With one look, he knew that the two of them had gotten into a fight. However, he could not interfere much with Jun Shiling's matter, so he could only worry in his heart.

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