Totemic Love (Shuri, aka Black Panther)

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"Klaw!" Shuri, the sister of T'Challa and current owner of the mantle of the Black Panther, screamed in rage as she looked at the man who had caused her nothing but pain. The killer of her father was in front of her, and she really wanted his blood on her claws. It was the least she could do to avenge her father, it would bring her peace. But she was not alone in this fight, she had seeked the help of the Avengers... though the only one available had been Spider-Man. But she didn't mind, she was getting the help she wanted in the first place. "You're mine, you murderous freak!"

"Then come and take me, little girl" She tightened her hold on the vibranium knife, which was glowing in a light blue aura. Her rage really had a limit, and Klaw was testing her patience. It was short of a miracle that she had not already rushed in and killed the man, but even she knew that it was slightly impossible because of Klaw's nature of having turned himself into living sound. "Let's see what T'Chaka's baby daughter can do against the man who killed the greatest warrior in Wakanda's history!" That little comment almost set her off. If the mask of her Black Panther outfit was not covering her face, it would have shown her face full of fury. He didn't deserve to even say her father's name. She was really hoping that she was able to kill him when she had the chance. Because it was really tempting to kill him right about this second. "Come and die!"


She saw just how the silk weaved by Spider-Man made its way into Klaw's face. She was shocked by his actions but, at the same time, she was angry at him as well. It was her fight! It was supposed to be her, the one who should avenge her family! Not some white guy from the states! She knew that she was letting her anger control her, but it was what made her stronger, what fueled her to keep on going forward with her current task.

"Stop! This is my fight!" Spider-Man glanced back at her, the white lenses giving her a look that she was unable to recognize. But what she could see, and was slightly enjoying, was that Klaw was suffering thanks to all of the web that Spider-Man used to annoy Klaw. But her rage was quelled in a matter of seconds when he turned around, the inexpressive face of the arachnid shocking her greatly.

"Think, princess! The world is at stake here!" Spider-Man said loudly, his face full of worry and anger. He knew that her family and Klaw had a rivalry of sorts; the history both of them had together was enough to make Peter step aside and make her deal with her own sense of justice. But it was more than her anger, it was so much more. "And you can't even think clearly to know that without the right equipment, you cannot harm Klaw!" Peter Parker, the man behind the mask, was really trying to make the princess of Wakanda see reason. But even he knew that it would take more than what he had just said to make her able to act rationally. "Leave him to me, go find and destroy the generator! Don't think like a killer! Think like a hunter!"

It was then that she was promptly pushed slightly as she could see the hero backflip right behind her, both of them being able to narrowly dodge the sonic blast from Klaw. As she regained her composure, she clicked her tongue, rushing away from the fight and heading straight to the generator. She knew what he had said was right, but she was still angry that she was not able to deal the finishing blow to Klaw.

"Get her you imbeciles!" She could hear the angered voice of Klaw as she continued to rush towards the generator. It made her smile slightly, knowing that she was thwarting the plans that Klaw had concocted. She glanced back, her dark brown eyes managed to look at the fight and she could see just how Spider-Man was fighting against Klaw and the A.I.M operatives.

"I'll kill him..." She muttered as she saw her chance to escape through the corridors and into the generator room. She gnashed her teeth together, slight anger filling her body as she couldn't help but feel emotions that she would have prefered she didn't even have. The connection she had created with the man went far deeper than what she expected. She was all in to go back and help him defeat Klaw and make him wish he was dead. But she understood his words, so she acted accordingly. Because a hunter always had a backup plan, a killer just acted on his impulses. "If he dies, I swear that I will bring him back to life just to kill him myself!"

Time Skip

Shuri stood over all of the A.I.M. operatives that wanted to stop her from her objective. Her eyes pondered the question that was on her mind, a reflection of her inner turmoils reflected on her dark brown eyes. She was already rushing towards the area where she left him fighting Klaw, her heart throbbing against her chest as she rushed forward.

"That was quick... And here I thought it was going to take you even longer" Shuri rolled her eyes at the comment, looking at just how Spider-Man had detained Klaw. The villain was webbed up upside down, the metallic claw he used to send his sonic blasts was tied up and webbed up on his ass, making her grin slightly at the sight. "I captured him, though. Thought you would want to torture him or something. I really don't know what you want to do with him"

"This is the start of a beautiful relationship, isigcawu sam~" She trailed one of her claws through his chest, looking at Klaw with a predatory look on her eyes. She was really going to enjoy torturing the man and making him feel less than a man. She was going to prepare him and use him as an energy source or something. Whatever she was going to do, it was sure to be painful for the sound-based villain.

"And what does that mean?" He looked at her, one of his eyes rising in confusion at the flirt. He clearly noticed the actions, there was no doubt in his mind that the princess of Wakanda was trying to seduce him. But he didn't care about that, he had gotten accustomed to it thanks to his previous relationships. What he was confused about was the language that she used at the end. He did recognise it to be Xhosa, but he didn't understand the meaning of the words.

"Wouldn't you like to know, isigcawu sam~" She purred slightly, walking away from the man with a sway on her hips. She glanced back at the man as she motioned him with her finger to follow him. She was going to enjoy torturing Klaw and getting what she wants from Spider-Man. And no one was going to stand in her way.

Time Skip; Years Later

"Umama! The frequency is changing again!" Shuri Parker, the Black Panther and the wife of Peter Parker also known as the Amazing Spider-Man, chuckled slightly at the sight of her baby daughter. Nala Parker had a grin on her face as she was inputting a code in the computer in front of her, making Shuri's smile widen bit by bit. She had a careful watch over the machine that had Klaw trapped inside, suffering for eternity as she syphoned off the frequency of his sound to power up various buildings in New York. "The output of the frequency has to be lower than what it currently is. If not, it will short circuit the machine and he will be able to escape"

"Thank you, sweetie. But you don't have to worry about that man escaping ever again" Shuri smirked as she watched her daughter give her a confused look. Before either of the two could react, the machine had created an electromagnetic pulse inside of the machine, torturing the villain as he screamed in pain. "You see, your father created a fail safe in the machine, plus with all the vibranium weakening Klaw even further... He is not getting out anytime soon"

"And it is all thanks to the smarts of your gorgeous mother" Shuri closed her eyes as she felt a pair of strong hands wrapped around her waist. She breathed quite a bit, a small smile on her face as she opened her eyes half way. She stared at her husband, her eyes staring at him quite seductively. "We managed to stop a villain from causing harm ever again and turn that into something greater. I hope that you are able to do the same, Nala..."

"I will, utata!" Nala said happily, running towards the exit with Peter smiling at the sight of his only daughter. Peter then looked at his wife, who just glanced back at him before kissing each other lovingly. Their bond had been stronger than what they had both predicted, and their union brought forth a new kind of totem into the fray, one consisting of both the Panther and the Spider.

"I love you, princess..." Shuri giggled at the nickname, one that had been used by her husband when she tried to hire the Avengers to deal with Klaw many years ago. She didn't even think that her visit to the compound would lead her straining to her destined one. But it did, and she was happy that she found him.

" I love you too, isigcawu sam..." Shuri muttered as she ended their kiss, more than happy to enjoy each other's brace. She didn't need to be a killer any longer, because all she ever wanted was to raise her daughter and stay beside Peter until the end of days. "I love you too..."

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