Chapter XII - Part II

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There are three sides to every story. One side, the other side, and the truth. Sometimes, people become so fixated on one part of the story, they neglect to consider the other. It also so happens that in many circumstances, only one side of the story gets told on purpose. The listeners or readers of a story are conditioned to be transfixed on one part and are solely given those details. What goes on behind the scenes is something that many are ignorant to, not that it is their fault, they just have no way of knowing.

A key part of a story is the multi-faceted story. The way one person perceives something that happens is solely reliant on what goes on in their mind and how they interpret the events. Not every intention is voiced and not every contributing detail is disclosed to the public. Sometimes, key details are omitted on purpose to influence someone to swing one-way, other times, they don't have merit to the person telling the story.

In some case scenarios, the person whose side someone learns isn't aware of everything that had gone on beforehand that lead to the event taking place. For example, Rapunzel wasn't to know that Mother Gothel was using her for her hair, or Belle didn't know that the Beast's infliction was a curse to teach him a lesson. Key details missing are what make the story suspenseful and intriguing, luring the receiving party into it.

In a love story, one missing detail can be the downfall of a couple. One miscommunication can cause everything to implode from the inside, leaving both parties alone and heartbroken. In some cases, people are forced not to speak of occurrences that could have led to a happy ending in a story. People are threatened, warned, even blackmailed, to keep whatever they know or feel to themselves, pushing the second party away.

Sirius Black wasn't a gullible man, and he wasn't stupid. He was calculated and understood the risks and rewards of his actions. But every so often, someone is quicker on their feet and more skilled with their tongue. His side of the story is a bit different from the way most people perceive the love story of him and Lyra. Let's take a deeper look into what has gone on behind the scenes of Sirius Black's life.


'She doesn't want anything to do with you, don't you get it? Or are you really that thick?'

'I think it's better if you just left Lyra alone, she's happy now.'

'She's happy with me, Sirius. Don't ruin her life more than you already have.'

His words volleyed back and forth within the sixth-years mind as he watched the girl cling onto his brothers arms and giggle at whatever he had said. Sirius's jaw tensed at the way Regulus smiled down at the younger Potter twin as though he were truly what was best for her. He wasn't the only one watching the two either, Pierre was right next to him in the Great Hall, watching with a venom in his eyes.

The last time that the French transfer student and the oldest Black son had spoken, the former had threatened the latter within an inch of his life. It was Sirius who had caught onto the dark secret that the new boy had, but Pierre had made sure that nothing exposed what it was he was really doing at Hogwarts, and who he was truly reporting to.

'If you ever want Lyra to see graduation, you'll keep your dirty blood-traitor mouth shut, Black. Or I'll have no issue handing her over to the Dark Lord himself and letting him have his way with her. Understood?'

Sirius didn't know if Pierre was bluffing, but he would rather face Voldemort himself than ever be the cause of Lyra's death. He would never be able to forgive himself if he was the reason, she didn't get to see her life play out in full. Sirius would burn the world down before he let a single person lay a harmful finger onto a single blonde hair on her head or steal that beaming smile away from her lips.

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