Chapter XXVI

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Sometimes, even when there's something that becomes you, your family is all you have. Whether you have a surplus of friends or just one, or even none, family will always be there to pick you up from the ground. But family isn't always what it's officially defined as. It's not always two parents and siblings with a small dog. Sometimes it's a distant relative. Every so often it's a grandparent. It can even be someone far from related to you. Friends are just as much your family as those who are flesh and blood.

There's a saying though, 'Help your brothers boat across, and yours will reach the shore'. The author of said quote is unknown, but the power that it holds is something that only few people can understand and resinate with. The term brother has various connotations to it and holds different meanings to different people. But in this stories context, a brother is the one thing someone needs in their life to keep a constant footing.

Losing a brother, especially as the younger counterpart, is a feeling that no one can put into words. People try, and some are more successful than others, but it never encompasses the entirety of the feelings. Only those who go through the same trauma can fully understand the feelings of one another. What's a scarier thought for some though, isn't physically losing your brother or any sort of close loved one.

It's the idea of someone taking them away.


Lyra was quick as she tore through the hallways once more, not even alerting the inhabitants anymore. It was the second time in a day that she had done it, so no one really batted an eyelid to her antics anymore. Tears brimmed her eyes as thoughts of others soared through her mind, as though the thought of losing James reignited the legilimency that had been bestowed upon her by whatever force.

Her heart felt torn. The safety of her brother was beyond a desire of hers. It was something that bordered an obsessive need. But she also didn't want him to wonder where it was she got the information. Under James's knowledge, Pierre and Scarlett were just two obstacles in the game his sister and best mate were playing. He wasn't aware of their affiliations towards the Dark Lord, and Lyra wasn't sure he would believe her if she told him. Dumbledore had such a tight grip on James, that even the blonde might be unable to get through to him as she wanted to. No, not wanted. Needed to.

Something about the idea of losing James struck paralyzing fear within Lyra and she knew that that irrational side of her that was willing to put her own neck on the chopping board was on its way to the surface once more. She'd face Voldemort head on if it meant having her brother walk free another day, living his life unbothered. James was everything to the younger twin. He was her idol, her inspiration, her heart. James Potter may have been a man of prestige within Hogwarts, but he was just her brother. James Potter had the entire school eating out of his hand, and Lyra was the one filling his palm with the feed.

As Lyra rounded the corner to escape the closing walls of Hogwarts, she was met with the office of the Head Master once again. But her feet were stuck to the ground, her mouth unable to call out to whoever was messing with her head. Her moss-green eyes scanned her surroundings, trying to figure out where Dumbledore or the Dark Lord were. Both were undoubtedly watching her every move, learning her secrets and what she had in mind.

"Lyra," the former options voice called, "I thought you were more compliant than this."

The blonde wanted to yell every profanity she knew across the way at the man that stood from his desk, having been hidden by the placement of his phoenix. But no matter how hard she tried, no sound escaped her throat. Nothing moved within Lyra, she couldn't do anything. It was as though Dumbledore had paralyzed her to the point of incompetence.

"Trying is futile," Dumbledore sighed, "I'll let you speak if I feel like it. But, once more, you have to listen to understand, Lyra Potter. You're not as prepared for what's coming as you think. There are much greater forces at play than you are aware of. Perhaps I was wrong to shut you out so quickly," he continued, a foggy orb that shone blue resting in his wrinkled hands, "But it appears new information as come to light."

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