Chapter XVI

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Defining the difference between someone who was good and who was evil is a toxic way of segregating society. Not everyone is terrible, and not everyone is good; it's always a mix. Sometimes some people lean further one way or the other; it's never one or the other. People can have genuine intentions but go through with them with horrific actions and grotesque consequences.

People are inherently selfish and want to preserve their lives before giving themselves over to a cause. They want security and safety so that they can keep living their lives without risk. It doesn't matter if they claim to be the kindest and most morally good people in the world; there will always be selfish and corrupt parts to them. It was human nature to be more concerned about your safety or well-being than others. It's not always a bad thing, but people try to run away from that fact, thus creating a worse problem.

Self-preservation is human; it's that simple. The difference is, some people lack it more than others. Some people would rather sacrifice themselves for power, a selfish goal. Other people will sacrifice themselves to save people, thus selfishly making themself a hero. Everyone has a secret motive for their actions. Especially when it came to things such as war or battle. There is no light or dark side in the Wizarding World; there are those who want power and those who don't want that person to have it, to save themselves.

Lyra was one of those people who were willing to do unspeakable things if it meant saving her family, friends, and herself. She would give herself up if it meant keeping people like Voldemort out of power, but her means of doing so could lead people to believe she was a morally corrupt person. She was planning on lying and manipulating her way into the good graces of the Death Eaters, thus learning their deep secrets and plans.

Lying was a sin, thus making Lyra a sinner and a bad person. But the real question is, is she really? Her motives are clear and concise. Takedown Voldemort and expose those who wish to betray her and those she loves. Good intentions, questionable course of action. The issue is, there is no other way to go about it. She either acted now and became a lying, deceitful, double agent alongside Regulus or sat back and watched the Dark Lord take power. Regulus Black was double-crossing his own family for the means of saving the Wizarding World from Voldemort's clutches. He followed the same corrupt lying path that Lyra was sauntering down, thus making them both bad people, right?

There was no line between good and evil; they were twins who followed different paths but still walked hand in hand.


Lyra had wished she had gone against Regulus's wishes and wore her pyjamas to go to Grimmauld Place. Apparating in a dress and heels wasn't exactly a pleasurable experience, especially when a random stranger was doing it. The carriage ride from the Potter Manor to the undisclosed location that the apparition would take place was anything but pleasant, especially while a terrifying house elf stared at you with small beady eyes that seemed to see through Lyra as though she were made of glass.

Kreacher was the...creature's name and he grumbled about his masters and what they were doing by bringing someone like Lyra around the Black family home. It was probably a mistake on their end, Lyra knew it. It was a mistake on her end as well and every piece of her wanted to yell out and turn around the carriage, racing back like a horse into Sirius's arms. The way his breath fanned across her cheek still felt fresh, warning her of the dangers she was waltzing into with an open heart.

Regulus once described her as a Venus fly trap. Unassuming and open at the start, luring in the innocent to its deadly grasp. But when the trap is set, and the prey falls into it, she clamps down and sucks every piece of light from their bones, leaving them lifeless and confused as to where they went wrong in their life. She was also the bright beacon that drowned out the entirety of the darkness that flood within the minds of the wicked, leaving them elated and open to the glowing light that flooded the world.

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