Chapter XXXII

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Nothing good lasts forever. Whether it be relationships or moments in time. Everything comes to an end at one point or another, much to most people's dismay. Beautiful things die, and perfect people meet their maker. It's an unavoidable point of life; the end, because life wouldn't be worth living if it went on forever. The earth has to spin on its axis, and the sun has to shine at different parts of the day. There are things in life that are unavoidable, and the end is one of them, no matter how long it's deterred.

Nothing in life would be considered a rarity if it lasted forever. No one would be seen as beautiful because it would become regular. That which lasts forever becomes familiar, and people are always searching for the exact opposite.

The calm before the storm is the most frightening part of an ending, that feeling of dread or impatience as the other foot drops. When that moment ends is when that dreadful darkness creeps around the corner, reaching for you with hands of roses and arms of thorns. It tugs you into the tight embrace of wonder, all the while digging further into you with knife-like intentions. It comes when you least expect it. But more so, when you do your best to outrun it.

No matter how far you run, the end of the beginning is always closer than you know.


When Lyra says she was excited to learn, her parents extended their trip by a week to take a trip to the Amazons, Fleamont finding a new ingredient and Euphemia wanting to soak in the lack of children bugging her for breakfast at one in the afternoon, she meant it. The entire manor was at the disposal of her, James, and Sirius. Although, Lyra guessed it was more fun for her and her lover than the poor boy that had to share an upper level with them.

However, it gave the elder twin the ability to have Lily Evans with similar intentions as his younger counterpart and best friend. Payback wasn't something Lyra ever pegged James for, but the night of July 13th was the night that Lyra realized her brother was capable of much more than she bargained for. She didn't figure James was able to make such...noises.

"I'm gonna kill him," Lyra grumbled as she relit the lamp beside her bed, disturbing the half-asleep Sirius Black that laid next to her, "Dead."

"Kill him dead?" Sirius repeated, his voice low and grumbly as he rubbed the sleep from his obsidian eyes.

"And I stand by it," the blonde muttered, throwing the blankets off of her figure and taking to her feet, "I know for a fact Lily isn't this loud, and it's payback for not telling her about us."

"I don't think Evans–" smack, a massive thud radiated on the wall followed by the loudest moan Lyra had ever heard come from the mouth of her best friend, "How good is Prongs?"

"Nope." Lyra shook her head and grabbed her wand from her bedside table, waking Sirius up faster than anything could, "Lumos."

Sirius watched Lyra skeptically as she dropped the wand once again. The blonde slipped her–Sirius's–shirt from her body, leaving her in nothing but the boxers–his boxers–that she wore. Lyra didn't waste another moment to climb back into her bed, straddling the somewhat sleepy boy that lay beside her. Her lips were quick to attach themselves to Sirius's, tossing her hair to the side as she tangled her hands into his.

Sirius reciprocated the administration, running his hands up the girl's bare waist. No matter the simplicity of his touches, Lyra always got goosebumps from him. Sirius knew Lyra's body better than she did, always bringing her a new sensation that she never knew was possible. His hands were experts, and the thing between his legs a prodigy. Her body was his when they laid together, and he belonged to her in more ways than physical when the fateful nights–or days–came to be.

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