Chapter 21: Three Keys in a Creepy Place 2

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Dean's POV

After we teleported randomly, I start searching for the possible places where the key is hidden.

There are three possible places in this forest: the dried leaves fell in the ground, trees with a large hole on their stem and at the centre of this forest.

There is no dried leaves here because trees have no leaves either.

And it seems like I was far away from the centre of the forest so now, I am looking for the tree that match up my description that I said earlier.

Wait. I trained for this.

I sat (Indian seat), relax and hear the sound of the animals around.

*chirp* *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* [sound of crickets]

*squeek* *squeek*

I opened my eyes, suddenly.

That's the sound of squirrel!

Squirrel, usually lives in a hole on a tree so I followed rhe sound and reached the tree with a hole on it.

It seems like the squirrel feels there's a human so it rushed out.

After it leaves, I groped for the key inside the hole and when I touched a metal, I grabbed it.

I removed my hands in the hole to see if this is the key and confimed. It's the key!

Before I left, someone, or rather, some group obstructs me.

"Tama nga ang hinala naming sundan ka," a spiked blonde hair said.

"You are intelligent enough kaya sinundan ka namin pero mas matalino kami," the girl proudly daid.

I almost vomit with what she just said.

"Obstructing others is not intelligence. You're just coward," I said with a blank face.

"Anong sabi mo?!" Thorn said.

Oh, I forgot to tell you, Thorn is one of my newest friend but in this case, where there are three keys only, we have to become an enemy.

"Oh, will I repeat again what I said? You're just coward."

And he unleashes his torns through his hair.

That's his specialty. His hair can turn into torns and can grow to how long he wants to.

I avoided his attacks.

But before, I went to the right side, I slipped.

I looked at the girl, and it's her doing. Seems like she is an expert in mud.

So she's a dual mage. Earth and Water, particularly.

It's delicate. So after I stand, I put a protection orb on the key so no one can handle this except for me.

I was surprised by the sudden orb coming through. I shun immediately and when it gets closer, I felt an electricity coming through me.

I looked to the boy with the spiky hair. So it's his doing.

An energy mage.

This is tough. Three against one.

And a bulb lighten up (an idea popped up to my head).

I smirked.

If I can create a protection for the key, I can create a bomb, too... But without fire or something.

I jumped and create a huge orb of null. Though, we cannot see it but I can feel it.

I looked for something and there!

I throw the orb on the field with full of dust and it creates a smokescreen

So while they were coughing, I escape and look for the red cloth that I knot in the branch of the trees so that I'll know where I came from.

After a while, I look again but this time, for the keyhole to insert the key and when I found it, I insert key and shut my eyes because of the brightness.

After some minutes, I heard the cheering of the crowd and when I open my eyes, I am in the University.

Wow. Did I make it?

I was surprised when someone hugs me and he's Hydra with the smile of victory.

I gradually smiled when I realized that smile of him. We...

We won!

Mahoutsukai University - New Generation: The Mystery Club (bxb) [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon