I ran back to my room the second classes were over and nearly knocked the exiting pizza delivery guy flying. When I got into the room, Syieria was already carrying two slices of pizza to me. Being a girl I decoded this instantly. I was going to be upset and would need the extra piece to calm me down. I had an Italian grandmother who was a master of the "Mangi, magni! You'll feel better!" and Sy was wearing the exact same reassuring smile. I shivered.
"Where is it."
"I got extra pepperoni. And olives, they counteract the fat."
"No they don't. I'm sorry but that pizza doesn't qualify for the Mediterranean Diet. Where is it?"
"Now just try a few bites."
"I'm going to get changed and when I get back here I want to know what's going on."
"Classy wait! I don't think you-"
I stormed into my room. And what the hell?!
"Where's my bed! And what- oh, no!"
She appeared in the doorway behind me. "Stefan is tall, and-"
"And he got me a king sized bed?! Look at these huge boxes! That's – of all the presumptive arrogance!-"
"Classy, you did say you were in a submissive relationship. He is free to make certain changes and-"
"This is so wrong!" And then my blood ran cold. "And Elena saw these delivered?"
"This pizza is soooo good. Let's eat the whole thing!"
"Sy, there can be nothing more... more... I don't know the word! This is the absolute limit!"
I stared at her. "What else did he send," I hissed.
"There were two other small boxes. But really the pizza is going to get cold and with pepperoni that's-"
"Where are they."
She just sighed, and pointed. "Behind the mattress box."
I pulled them out. "A power screwdriver. Because being a girl means I'm too weak to use a regular one. Alright, I was wrong, that's the absolute limit, that's just the final- what the fuck, is this a box of condoms? Five hundred count?"
Sy put my plate in my hand. I viciously bit the end of a slice.
"What's really kind of funny, from a certain point of view" she said in a small, careful voice, "is that you think you just touched bottom. But you are not there, not quite yet. There is one more little surprise. I want you to know that Andrei demanded I run the video camera as you discovered it, and I refused. I'll pay for it but even I have limits."
"How can there be anything worse than this? The whole college knows I just got a bed and a massive box of condoms from a new boyfriend. I can never leave this room again."
"That won't actually make the rumors any less interesting..."
"Shut up! Arrrrrrrgh! Shut up shut up shut up shut up!"
"So since the delivery people took your old bed away and you're sort of, ah, stuck with this new situation, I thought we'd eat pizza and assemble the bed together."
"You," I said, turning on her. "You did this to me. You are the most evil roommate ever. Somehow you turned my life upside down and because of it complete strangers just carried my bed out of here. I hadn't changed the sheets this week. I am going to die now. About a billion times. You did all this."
"Um... so to make it up to you... you don't owe me for the pizza?"
"Oh, sister, the ways you owe me can't be calculated in pizza units. Oh fuck, I wonder if Elena can be bribed."
Sy giggled nervously. "Elena, paid to be quiet. Let's... just... let's just assemble the bed, ok?"
"Why not. I do have to sleep tonight, after all. He's rich, why didn't he have them assemble on delivery?"
"Really, you don't know? Because he wants you to have the experience of building a place for you and he to be intimate. He is directing your hands to do something that will please him. And you must obey, unless you like the floor better. It isn't subtle and it works very well."
We shredded boxes, pulled out huge boards, bags of massive metal parts. The instructions filled six pages.
"This is so complicated. I've never seen a bed with screws this big. And what are all these big hooks for?"
Sy was expressionless and silent.
She pointed to the headboard and sideboards and legs. They had holes drilled in them. I stared at the instructions in horror. Holes for the hooks.
I started crying.

Submissive Desires
RomanceThis story is really HOT. Like really really really HOT. It's essentially about a college student learning about her hidden desire to submit to a man, with the help of her roommate & a very hot dominant man. This is a MATURE story & the smut within...