Beginning 💌

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Vii ran through the halls, running from her friend Nyx. The two had been playing a game of tag in Nyx's house. Vii stopped running and stood in front of a family portrait. Nyx, his mom, his dad. It was the most beautiful painting Vii had ever seen in her life.

"Hey, loser! Are those your parents?" Vii looked at Nyx, that was out of breath, but still running down the hall. Nyx caught up and stood next to Vii. The smaller nodded. Vii looked at Nyx and sighed, "why don't I ever get to meet your parents? Its always Big brother dropping me of, and you making me sneak through the window." Nyx looked at Vii, "Because my parents wouldn't like you." Vii looked somewhat offended but said nothing about it. The two hung out the rest of the day, then Vii's brother came to pick her up. Vii and her brother walked through the forest in silence until Vii tried to clear it "Hey Brother?"Vii looked slightly at the ground, "Yeah? what's up brat?" Her brother answered, Vii cleared her throat, "I was thinking, could I maybe get a haircut? I know you dont like girls having short hair but I dont think Im even a girl!" Her brother looked down at her, smiling "sure kid, you can get your haircut. You may not feel like a girl, so what? whatever you are, you're still a little loser! ...and I still love you."

He was sober. Vii never heard nice things from her brother when he was drunk, it was a quick way to tell if he was drunk or not.

As the two got home, Vii ran into the house and grabbed a pair of scissors off of her desk. She ran into the bathroom and started to cut her hair in the mirror. Her brother walked in as she was doing so and watched closely, "You're doing great kid. By the way, would you be sad if we..i don't know. Maybe move to a different place?" Vii looked over at her older brother "But this is mommy and daddy's old house, why would we move?" she frowned and put the scissors down, after the last snip. Her hair was finally short and fluffy. Just like a boy. "Well..I saw some flyers for this place called L'manburg. They are holding a presidential election. I guess I want to try to win!" Vii brother put his hand on the smallers head and ruffled the now short hair. The two exchanged looks, "I guess..but just dont get too competive like you always do." Vii laughed. He finally felt like a boy, and he was getting a fresh start, in a new home.

His brother stopped drinking for a while, but it didn't last long. At least Vii didn't have to deal with a drunk idiot. He was always rude and abusive when drunk. Vii couldn't tell anyone because he really had nobody to tell. He knew this guy since he was little, but he stopped visiting after Vii's parents went missing. Vii never really got to meet the man, but he always smelled of cigarettes and gun powder.

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