Pogtopia 2 🎃

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Nyx and Vii walked up to the two who were arguing. "Hey, whats going on?" Wilbur looked to see the two. "Well, this dickhead thinks yo-" "He just being annoying like usual." Wilbur said interrupting Tommy. "Ah, of course."  Nyx snickered at Tommy. Wilbur closed the book behind him quickly and stuffed it into the chest. "Anyways, Vii is going to be on our side now!" Nyx said in a cheerful tone. Tommy and Wilburs face looked like a ghost. "uhm, did I say something wrong?" Nyx said in a confused tone. Tommy began to laugh a little "Your joking right?" Tommy said. "No? why?" Nyx said confused. "Nyx can we talk alone." Wilbur said in a serious tone.

"Nyx are you insane!" Wilbur whispered loudly but still keeping quiet. "It Schlatts brother, HIS BROTHER." Tommy said crossing his arms. "Listen, I know you guys don't trust him but like come on!" Nyx says. "He doesn't even like his brother either." Tommy rolled his eyes. "I bet his getting information from you and telling schlatt about it." Nyx looked at Vii then back at Tommy. "No! he wouldn't do that.. would he?" Nyx said with a hit of hesitation. "I wouldn't trust him Nyx." Wilbur said putting his hand on his shoulder. "If you do still want to trust him I would keep an eye on him." Wilbur let go of his shoulder. "Be careful who you trust kid." Wilbur said walking back to were Vii was.

"What was that about?" Vii said as Nyx showed him around the place. "Oh it was nothing." Nyx said in a cheerful tone. Vii looked around "This place looks like shit." He said.

Once they were out of sight Tommy turned to Wilbur. "Why did you interrupt me when I was explaining to Nyx about what you think he is." Wilbur still keeping an eye on the boys said "We can't tell him about it, what if he gets someone to kill us because we found out his identity." Tommy rolled his eye. "What about Vii? He's looks like hes known him for some time."Tommy said. "He has to know something about Nyx, Right?" Wilbur hesitated before saying "We could try and ask him about Nyx, but id doubt he knows much."

"Hey Nyx could you grab me some wood from that chest." Wilbur said pointing to the chest he was talking about. "Sure!" Nyx said walking over to the chest and opening it. Nyx searched the chest. Nyx picked up the wood and was about to close the chest before seeing a book. "Greek mythology." Nyx said reading it quietly. "Nyx, whats the hold up?" Wilbur said. "Nothing! I was just counting how much wood he had." Nyx shouted before quickly grabbing the book and shoving it in his bag. "Thanks." Wilbur said grabbing the wood and going back to what he was doing. Nyx quickly walked back to the chest. He looked around before grabbing the book back out. Nyx studied the book before finding the book mark. "This god known as the creation of the mortal life." Nyx stopped after reading the first sentence. Nyx stood in shook look at the book. "Shit, could they already be suspecting." Nyx said quietly to himself. Nyx ripped out the page before crumbling it up. He proceeded to shove it into the corner of the chest before closing the book and shoving into the corner of the chest.

"Hey, uhm Vii was it?" Tommy said tapping Vii on the shoulder. "Yeah is something wrong?" Vii said. "Me and my friend Wilbur need to ask you something." Tommy said pointing to Wilbur who was by the chest the book was left in. "Uhm okay?" Vii said confused. Both Tommy and Vii walked up to Wilbur. "Ah, your here." Wilbur said. "I have a few questions to ask you if that okay?" Wilbur said opening the chest and searching for the book. "If its about my brother, I wouldn't like to talk about it." Vii said a bit ashamed. "No nothing about your brother." Wilbur said pulling out the book. "Its about  Nyx." Wilbur said in a serious tone.

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