Just The Two Of Us

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"Fly me to the moon...let me play among the stars..."

Tubbo looked up from his journal, blinking simply and straightening up. He was propped against a hallway wall. School had ended two hours previously, but his mom was running errands and promised that she would be there soon. That, of course, didn't happen, and he had been waiting in the empty school ever since. At least, he had assumed it had been empty, apart from the janitors. Now, however, Tubbo could hear the almost faint sound of someone singing...a student, he could tell. Possibly a young teacher, though.

"Let me see what spring is like on...Jupiter and Mars."

Tubbo smiled to himself, carefully closing his journal and resting it beside him. He leaned his head back against the wall, allowing himself to listen to whoever was singing. It was nice...soft. The person who was singing obviously wasn't trying to draw too much attention to themselves...they probably thought they were alone in the first place. The brunette listened regardless, finding himself whispering the words underneath his breath. Whoever was singing could probably sound like Frank Sinatra if they tried hard enough.

"Fill my heart with song and let me sing forevermore...you are all I long for...all I worship and adore."

Tubbo finally pulled himself to his feet, bending down and picking up his journal before tucking it away into his backpack. He stood awkwardly in the hallway for a few seconds, glancing from one side to the other. Empty, as he had suspected. He slung his backpack over his shoulder, shifting his weight from one foot to the other before he started walking in the general direction of whoever was singing. It wouldn't be too hard to find them, it wasn't a large school...not exactly small, though. He walked quietly through the school corridors, his heart beating steadily in his chest. He wasn't going to bother whoever was singing, no...he just wanted to know. Tubbo wondered if this student indulged in singing like this every evening once school was over...after all, almost everyone else was gone.

"In other words, please be true...in other words, I love you."

Tubbo turned the corner, stumbling back to where he was standing before when he finally found who was singing. He hadn't gotten a good look at their face, but he had fallen back to avoid them seeing him. After all, he at least wanted to listen until the song was complete, and he didn't really know how comfortable the other person would be with someone watching them. Was it bad for him to be listening in the first place? Surely not. Something that someone didn't know wouldn't hurt them, after all. So, Tubbo stood there, hesitantly sliding down against the wall until he was in a sitting position, listening as the other student hummed the instrumental tune between verses. The brunette sucked in a heavy breath, allowing his eyes to close after a few seconds, the comforting sound of humming filling his soul. It was nice to have something to listen to while he was waiting for his mother to get there.

"Fill my heart with song, let me sing forevermore...you are all I long for, all I worship and adore," the soft voice continued, repeating the last line. "In other words, please be true...in other words...in other words..." his voice trailed off, almost hopelessly. Tubbo opened his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek. "I love you..."

The soft singing was slowly replaced by simply humming the tune. The brunette smiled to himself. The student was awfully good at singing, he couldn't lie. Tubbo, still sitting, shifted a bit to his left. He leaned over, glancing around the corner to see who it was. His heart lifted slightly in his chest when he realized who it was. The brunette didn't know his name, he couldn't lie...but he had seen him before. Tubbo had seen this boy, always keeping to himself...always wearing a mask. Black and white, split down the middle...paired with a pair of sunglasses. The boy wasn't this time, though...he could only see his side profile, but it was obvious to the brunette that this student had let his guard down; he didn't think that anyone else would still be at the school. Tubbo felt his shoulders tense up, his fingers drumming lightly against the floor. Soon, the student was singing again. The same song, just as passionately as before. The brunette had never heard this boy speak before, let alone sing...it was honestly surprising that he was that good.

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