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Tubbo hummed softly underneath his breath, leaning his forehead gently against the window of his mother's car...watching peacefully as the trees rolled by. It was another day of school. He smiled to himself as he thought back to the evening before. It had been...nice.

Ranboo had flipped through a good portion of his journal, making small comments here and there about how he liked his writing style, or that he found a particular one of his doodles to stand out. Tubbo had listened silently, his head lolled against the taller's shoulder and just nodding along to whatever he had to say. It was always endearing, though, and the brunette could tell that the other genuinely liked what he was seeing in the composition notebook. Tubbo had become accustomed to the faint sound of the pages being turned, followed by a new silence as Ranboo examined everything on the page. Asking where he had gotten all of these ideas, making small comments about how he had seen him writing in the library he knew that the brunette much preferred to use his green pen, something that Tubbo himself hadn't even picked up on.

Ranboo had also, of course, commented on the copious amounts of bee drawings that scattered the pages, snaking up the margins and fumbling between the paragraphs. Small bees, big bees, fluffy bees with large eyes and tiny wings...the other student seemed to enjoy them, although the brunette had to admit that it was a bit embarrassing. It was nice that the other didn't seem to mind, though...and he had slowly become more comfortable with Tubbo as the minutes dragged on. Ranboo had used that opportunity to shift closer to the brunette on a few occasions, his arm becoming more comfortable wrapped around the other's shoulder. Every move he made, however, was quickly followed with a hesitant:

"Is this...alright?"

To which Tubbo would nod his head against his shoulder. It was odd. The boy had never really felt any tremendous feelings for Ranboo that would result in the two of them leaning against each other on the floor...never a crush that he would admit to, at least. Ranboo didn't seem too opposed to the idea, though, and Tubbo didn't know whether to be flattered about it or not. Had the taller boy...liked him? As in, before their brief conversation in a school hallway at five fucking PM? As in...despite the things that Tubbo had laughed about, all related to him, behind his back? It was an odd feeling, knowing that the brunette hadn't given it much thought. Sure, he had always been curious with Ranboo...maybe a bit infatuated, but nothing more than that. The boy certainly hadn't been pining for him. Yet, there he had been...leaning against his shoulder and feeling flush in the face, despite the fact that he hardly even knew what Ranboo looked like.

Sure, he had gotten a quick glance, but nothing more than that before he had retreated behind the corner. And then it had been back to the other wearing that mask again...sunglasses to shield his gaze. It was attractive in its own way, Tubbo supposed. In a mysterious sort of way. Did Tubbo have feelings for Ranboo? Well...he supposed a bit, yeah. He would have to at least have some in order to put himself in that position. He didn't even know why he had done it, if he was being honest. The other boy was only offering a place for the brunette to sit beside wasn't an invitation to lean his head on his shoulder. Ranboo hadn't minded, though, and that was all that mattered. And soon enough, the taller boy had been gently leaning his head back against Tubbo's, the two of them just sitting against the empty wall of the hallway. That had been enough to make his heart flutter.

He had asked his mother if she could pick him up later again...lying to say that he wanted to meet with a few of his teachers to go over some assignments he had made-up on the spot. Tubbo wanted to see Ranboo able to talk to him in a setting that was away from everyone else...he didn't want anyone to know that the two of them were talking, of course. After all, what would they say? People talked enough as it was, they didn't need to know that Tubbo...might have feelings for the guy who had been the talk of the town ever since he had arrived, no. The brunette would probably get bullied alongside him, and that was the last thing that he wanted to deal with, so he would keep their time together spent through an hour or two after school. Besides, it was more convenient for his mother. Everybody won.

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