Frozen in Time

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The packing tape let out an annoying screech as it was pulled along the top of the box, sealing the cardboard shut so nothing inside would tumble out. The brunette made sure to put three long strips of tape, overlaying each other just to make sure it was secure. The last thing that Tubbo wanted was everything tumbling out of the box once he shipped it to California. Just his luck, he supposed.

The boy finally let out a sigh of relief, stepping away from the box and resting his hands on his hips once he had tossed the role of packing tape aside. That was it. That was the last box. Tubbo smiled proudly at himself, a wave of relief washing over him. Of course, he supposed that he didn't have to start packing everything away so quickly, considering that college wouldn't start for another month. However, the brunette figured that if it didn't get done now then it wouldn't get done at all. He was the king of procrastination after all. Besides, the last thing Tubbo wanted was his mother on his back about it the following month, nagging for him to finally get his clothes sorted out.

The only problem, Tubbo figured, was the fact that his closet was practically baren. More laundry work for him, he supposed.

The brunette fell back onto his bed, looking around the room that now seemed practically empty. All of the posters regarding space and astronomy had been stripped from the walls, rolled up carefully and placed into boxes. Small trinkets of model rocket ships had been placed carefully amongst each other, organized in ways so they wouldn't get crushed when they were shipped over to California. Tubbo wished he would be able to take his telescope with him, but he supposed that it wouldn't matter much anyway. With all of that light pollution, the boy would barely be able to see any stars. He would be much too busy with schoolwork to get anything finished anyway. So, the telescope remained folded in the corner of his room.

All that remained was that telescope and the blankets on his bed. Everything else had been packed away in boxes. He probably wouldn't even to be able to fit everything he was bringing with him into his dormroom, but that didn't matter. Tubbo would shove it into whatever closet he was given if he had to, he wanted to at least keep something the same while he was at UCLA. His love for space certainly hadn't died off, so it would be traveling with him on the plane.

Tubbo couldn't believe how fast time had flown by. It was insane now that he stopped to think about it. Just yesterday it seemed like he had been enjoying his junior year, and now it was the summer after senior year...he would be starting college at UCLA in the fall, all the way across the country. Far away from home and everything that had become so familiar. He supposed it wouldn't be the first time he had moved. After all, he had come all the way from the UK when he was ten years old, this would be a breeze. A walk in the park.

The brunette glanced over at his nightstand, his eyes flickering a bit as he noticed something sticking out of one of the drawers, glimmering just barely from the light of the lamp propped atop it. Tubbo cocked his eyebrow slightly, shifting on the bed and leaning over, opening the drawer and fishing around at what he had been seeing. The boy drew his hand back, looking down at the object in his hands, wearing a watery smile his heart sighed.

They were polaroid photos of him and Ranboo that had been taken over the almost two years the couple had been together. Tubbo held them carefully in his hands, resting each one aside one after the other as he looked over them, remembering the captured memories that had once been lost to time. Snapshots of the couple standing together, Ranboo's arms wrapped around his waist as his chin resting carefully on his shoulder, glancing at the brunette lovingly as Tubbo wore a goofy smile. One of the two of them at the beach, Ranboo being chased by a seagull as Tubbo only howled with laughter, announcing proudly how he had captured the moment.

Another one of Ranboo standing near the onyx black curtains of the school stage, taken the opening night of the winter musical. The blonde's face had been painted to match that of a scarecrow, as he was playing The Scarecrow in the production of The Wizard of Oz. He could be seen beaming ear to ear in the photo, his hands making double peace-signs as he smiled playfully at the camera, almost ready to go on for his next scene. Tubbo remembered how he had been the stage manager for that production, wanting to become more involved in the events that Ranboo was most interested in.

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