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Tubbo grinned, clapping wildly as the last drawn-out lyric was finished, the lights centering on Ranboo and some girl, who was playing Morticia Addams, before a blackout finally being called. The brunette grinned proudly, being the first to stand up, a lot of other audience members following suit. The boy glanced beside him at Tommy, who was clapping in an obviously bored manner. Tubbo grabbed his forearm, tugging him to his feet.

"At least pretend like you wanna be here," the boy joked. "I thought it was nice."

"No, no, it was lovely, not boring at all," Tommy returned, giving an exaggerated yawn and pretending to stretch. The brunette rolled his eyes in retaliation. "What'd'you want me to say? I don't like musicals."

"You had a Hamilton obsession."

"Okay, I like musicals when the characters are played by professional adults instead of just some kids that they managed to find from a high school, how about that?" Tommy returned, smiling a bit. "I mean, yeah, it was good. But it wasn't great, and the fact that you wanted me to come here on a Saturday? You must be out of your mind."

"You liked it," Tubbo insisted. He smiled a bit. "How about Pulled, hm? That song was good."

"Which one was that?" Tommy questioned.

"The one with Emmeline," the brunette teased, receiving a playful shove. Tubbo smiled. It was obvious no secret to the two of them that Tommy had developed a crush on her; it was the elephant in the room, though. Neither of them mentioned it, although the brunette knew that he would say something when he figured out if Emmeline liked him back. He had tried to convince Ranboo to talk to her, considering the two of them were friends, but his boyfriend had always insisted that she could figure it out on her own and speak for herself. "Okay, okay, you have to admit. She played a good Wednesday Addams."

"Yeah, she was perfect."

"Nice to know you at least liked one character in this show," Tubbo joked.

"Don't worry, Ranboo was good too," the blonde reassured him, both of them glancing back to the stage as the curtains finally dropped. "I mean, I think it would have been nice if he had taken his mask and sunglasses off, that part was fuckin stupid." Tubbo furrowed his eyebrows slightly. "But, he was okay." The blonde paused. "He was really good."

The two of them sat down again as the curtains started to lift. This was the part that Ranboo had been talking about with excitement, since he would be the one to take the final bow. The blonde wouldn't shut up about it, if Tubbo had to be honest, but he loved hearing his boyfriend speak about things he was passionate about, so he never complained. Ranboo would go on and on about it during lunch, Tommy threatening that he would shoot himself if the other blonde said another word, but he would continue regardless, speaking proudly of how he had never had the final bow before. Always the second to last, or third to last...never the ensemble bow, but never the bow that everyone was waiting for; the bow that had everyone on the edge of their seats because the person portraying that character had done such a wonderful job. That was the bow that Ranboo wanted, and he had finally gotten it, and only in his junior year. The final bow had always been saved for seniors, but this year would feature its first junior as the lead.

As the curtains finally lifted, a row of ensemble members that portrayed ghosts walked across the stage, smiling brightly as the lights shined down on them. Tubbo clapped, although he made sure that he would save his loudest clapping abilities for his boyfriend. It was the least he could do, of course, considering how much the boy had stressed over this role. Tubbo still remembered the day that the cast list had been posted. The brunette had been standing beside him, grinning ear to ear as he heard his boyfriend let out a cheer of excitement, announcing proudly that he had gotten the lead. Ever since then, the two of them had been working on helping Ranboo memorize his lines and practice his songs. They went over them everywhere. In the cafeteria, in the library...anywhere they could find the time, they were practicing. And it had all been for a good cause, because it was no secret to anyone in the audience that the blonde had been the best actor on the stage, outshining everyone, and not just because he had been given the lead. No, Ranboo had earned that role the day he auditioned.

Tubbo watched with mere excitement bow after bow, watching as students took their time bowing. He watched as Emmeline walked forward, smiling brightly in her double-braided wig, giggling a bit as she was met with a roar of applause. The brunette glanced beside him, not surprised to see Tommy absolutely hollering. Tubbo rolled his eyes in good nature, returning his gaze to the stage and watching as the girl who played Morticia stepped forward, giving a quick curtsy in her dress before moving aside.

The second Ranboo stepped on stage, the audience cheered. He wasn't wearing his mask, and Tubbo could see the very obvious smile plastered on his face. The brunette just knew his eyes were crinkling with excitement underneath his sunglasses. The brunette stood, cheering happily.

"That's my boyfriend!" The brunette shouted. "Woo! Fuck yeah, Ran!"

Ranboo stepped forward, the spotlight on him as he glanced around, giving a quick bow. It was apparent that he adored the attention, and Tubbo didn't quite blame him. His eyes were plastered on his boyfriend the entire time, unable to look away as he stood there in his suit and matching red tie, a staple of Gomez Addams in the production. Tubbo paused, cocking an eyebrow slightly as he watched the blonde suck in a heavy breath, almost as if he was nervous. The boy stopped clapping, his eyes widening a bit as he watched Ranboo reach for his sunglasses, carefully taking them off of his face and just staring into the audience...which began to lose their shit.

The blonde giggled, his eyes just fucking shining underneath the spotlight. A wide grin spread across Tubbo's face as he looked at his boyfriend's entire face for the first time, a watery smile washing over him as he glanced to Tommy, all giddy now.

"Calm down, it's just his face," the blonde joked.

"That's the point!" Tubbo exclaimed, glancing back to the stage. He simpered, watching as the blonde's eyes scanned over the audience...before finally settling on him. The brunette stared back at him, giving a shy wave.

The boy didn't know which emotion was better.

The pride.

Or the love.

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