Your Insecurity

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Ranboo soon noticed that he was always happiest when he was near the brunette...even having the boy in the same room as him was enough to make him smile. Enough for him to keep his heartbeat steady, despite all the looks that people gave him. Even if he was sitting across the cafeteria, alone at that table in the corner as he glanced to the opposite side...Tubbo would look at him and smile shyly, his gaze remaining there for as long as he could without one of his friends noticing. particularly Tommy. The brunette would just look at him, though, with those kind, longing eyes of his. The ones that were more than enough to brighten the blonde's day. The ones that he had looked into a little longer than a month ago while in the almost abandoned hallway of school, where he had been propped up against the wall singing to himself...while also apparently singing for someone else.

While the two of them were at school, Tubbo wouldn't openly talk to was something that always discouraged Ranboo, of course, because he wanted to be able to talk to him in front of other people. He wanted all of those who looked upon him with disdain to realize that not everyone was ignoring him. In fact, one of the students that others admired most was his boyfriend. Oh, how Ranboo loved that word. It would fill him with butterflies, sometimes in the middle of class while he was filling in the answer bubble to a test. His mind would slowly drift from the lesson in AP United States History to Tubbo...smiling underneath his mask when he reminded himself that Tubbo was his boyfriend. That was insane to him. Sometimes he would murmur the word underneath his breath...savoring the way it felt on his tongue. He would find himself thinking about the boy during his free period, while he was on the stage, while he was sitting in the was wonderful.

And, although Tubbo wouldn't talk to him openly, they still had their time alone in the library. Ranboo had since finished reading The Catcher in the Rye to him, and they had moved onto different novels, still trying to find one that the brunette was interested in reading. Between reading these novels, however, Tubbo would end up sitting in his lap on the couch, their lips moving together as they often kissed each other desperately. It would start off with Tubbo moving closer to him while the blonde was reading, resting his temple gently against his shoulder...reaching for the other's hand and giving it a loving squeeze, causing Ranboo to stammer as he spoke, trying to focus on the words down on the page. It must have been like a little game for the brunette...trying to see how flustered he could get the other while he was reading aloud. The brunette would rest his hand on the taller's knee...curl up beside him, resting a hand on his chest or brushing it carefully through his hair.

This 'game' would always end with Tubbo reaching over for the book, closing it sharply and practically throwing it aside, seizing Ranboo's lips the following second. The blonde would comply, of course, because he loved it as much as the other did. Loved the way Tubbo would kiss him with vigor, with such desperation...hardly pulling away to even breathe. He savored the way his lungs would burn, fiery in his chest because good God, the brunette was the only air he needed during those moments. Tubbo would rest his hands gently on Ranboo's chest, balling up the fabric and whimpering against his mouth. The looks that the other would give him when the two finally pulled away from each was enough to make the blonde melt. The brunette's eyes were always filled with such admiration and longing and pleading that he would just quickly catch his breath, not wasting a single second before he was leaning back in. Kissing him again. The blonde never understood how an angel like Tubbo could kiss him so sinfully, but he never complained.

Ranboo would savor the way his head would go lolling back, breathing steadily as the other pressed kisses underneath his jaw. The blonde would stare up at the ceiling often, his heart beating so forcefully in his chest to the point where he could feel it in his stomach and his throat. He would stroke Tubbo's hair gently, sifting his hand through his loose curls...humming contently and giving the occasional giddy giggle. Breathing softly as the brunette's lips traveled down his throat.

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