You Can Hold My Hand if No One's Home

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Tubbo smiled against his boyfriend's shoulder, giggling a bit as the two of them just sat there beside each other. The brunette supposed he didn't have a reason for laughing. There wasn't exactly anything funny going on that warranted it...but he was just so extremely happy. Ranboo made him so extremely happy, to the point where he just couldn't get over it. He couldn't get over the fact that he had managed to find someone so perfect...someone who really appreciated him and liked him for who he was. Tubbo couldn't believe he, of all people, was the one that the blonde was comfortable was taking his mask off around, but he couldn't complain. It was nice...nice to know that the blonde trusted him like that. Trusted him enough to see the lower half of his face, something he was so adamant about hiding from everyone.

"They're sending out an announcement for what the production is going to be in a few minutes," the blonde mentioned suddenly with excitement, glancing at his boyfriend and smiling. Tubbo looked back at him, wearing a light smile and nodding his head. "I'm hoping it's something good. I heard it was going to be Romeo and Juliet, or something. I was sorta hoping for Our Town, I think I would make a great George Gibbs. Have you ever read the script for it before?"

Tubbo shook his head.

"It's really sad," he continued, humming softly and leaning back against the cushions of the couch. "Like...really sad. But not in a traumatic sort of way, in a natural sort of way. It's just about the life of these two people, that's it. Their lives aren't interesting, or anything, they live normal lives. They grow up and they get married and then they die, it's nothing more than that. But that's what makes it so sad, I guess. The fact that it happens to everyone, and there's nothing you can really do to change it...George Gibbs is one of the main two, I think that I would be perfect for him. I think it's finally my year to get the lead of the production, you know? I've sort of been one of the side characters, who I guess has enough dialogue lines, but having the final bow would be perfect."

"Well, I'm sure that you would play a great George Gibbs," Tubbo assured him. "And, if it comes down to it, you'll play a great Romeo."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, I know so," the brunette continued. "And I'm gonna go see the show no matter what it is and no matter what part you get. Even if you're just a side character."

"If I'm just a side character in Our Town, I don't think it will be interesting much," the blonde mentioned. He hummed. "That's the thing about Our Town, though, it's not really an ensemble-based cast. And there are no props...only the costumes and the stage, which is supposed to be pretty simple. It was written so that the audience would focus on what's happening on stage and how the characters interact with each other, instead of what they're holding or what they're leaning against. There are the basic furniture props and all, but everything else is mimed. Like, you have to pretend that you're using something to cook. But there's sound effects from off-stage. It's super cool, I saw a production of it on YouTube once and it was super chill."

The blonde paused.

"Not a lot of parts, though," Ranboo went on. "With Romeo and Juliet, I guess there are a bit of extra ensemble members, you know? With Our Town, it's strictly the characters on stage. Everything is meant to serve a purpose, including the people. If the characters in the background are just standing around and mouthing words, then they aren't supposed to be there."

"You sure have read up a lot about this play," the brunette teased.

"My drama teacher told me it was one of the productions they were considering, among the many," the blonde explained. "And, you know, I wanna get a good doing a bit of research about the ones I know are being considered wouldn't hurt."

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