Some Things Never Change

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Tubbo straightened up as the train finally slowed to a stop. He gripped his luggage a bit tighter, worried that someone would steal it, before quickly standing to his feet, waiting for the doors to open. The brunette supposed that he could have taken an Uber all the way from Newark to Tommy's house, but he would rather drive to the first subway station and then figure it out from there. Saved money, the subway was far cheaper than an Uber...although it obviously showed that it was cheaper. The brunette thought his friend had been kidding when he had described the subway...he had in fact not been kidding.

The brunette stumbled out onto the subway platform as soon as the doors opened, humming softly underneath his breath before pulling out his phone to remember his friend's address. God, all of the blocks and avenues had him confused. Tubbo had never been in the city before, although he was sure that every person who lived there knew how to navigate it; a large concrete jungle of steel and glass. He slipped his phone securely back into his pocket before heading toward the stairs that would bring him up. Tubbo was starting to wish he had brought a jacket.

Traveling to New York City in November without a jacket would have to be one of the dumbest decisions he had ever made.

Nevertheless, Tubbo found himself standing on the sidewalk once he had managed to carry his luggage all the way up the set of stairs, not without stopping occasionally to take a breath before continuing. He gripped the handle tightly before glancing around, sighing contently. It really was wonderful; the brunette couldn't help but admit it. Tubbo understood why Tommy enjoyed living here, although he supposed he didn't exactly live in this part of the city. The blonde lived in a townhouse, which wasn't exactly far...although it would be enough of a walk for him to wish he had just gotten an Uber to begin with.

The plane ride from Los Angeles to Newark had been bearable. The brunette had allowed himself time to proof-read the novel he was working on, making small edits on the plane once everyone was allowed to use their electronics, although no one listened to that anyway. Tubbo wanted everything to be perfect. After all, the only reason that he was in New York City to begin with was the hopes of getting his book published. Not to say that he wouldn't have visited his friend if the opportunity arose, but there was a greater reason behind him being there.

Over the past month, the brunette had been emailing back and forth with a publisher who had a growing interest in the plot of the novel he had been working on. Tubbo had been beyond delighted when he heard how ecstatic the publishing company was, of course, as this had been something he dreamed over ever since he was in high school. He remembered filling a green composition notebook, adorned with bee stickers of course, with notes upon notes, drafts upon drafts. Tubbo had since lost that composition notebook, but he vividly remembered all of the ideas he had jotted down throughout his junior and senior year.

When prompted with the opportunity to meet with a representative of the publishing company in person, in New York City...Tubbo had been over the moon with excitement. Part of him still couldn't fathom the fact that people enjoyed the plot enough to call him in, but he had accepted the offer nonetheless. All it took was plane ticket and asking Tommy if he could stay over at his townhouse, since he didn't know how long he would be staying in the city. All he knew was that it was probably going to change his life for the better.

It just filled Tubbo with joy knowing that a passion project he had worked through during his years in college was on the brink of being published...something that could eventually be found in bookstores. It was something that had gotten him through his classes, if the brunette had to be honest. Whenever he had even a second of spare time, he was opening the Word document he had become so fond of and his fingers would fly across the keyboard, pouring his soul into the romance novel he had started from the first day of college.

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