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Hello! i mentioned all the triggers and warnings in the description but ill repeat it again :)
also this is my first story ive ever written so please recommend me some tips to help me improve i hope you enjoy!

the story contains of:
harsh language/swears
and it's gonna be sad asf. The stories pretty cold



||clays pov||

I stepped out of the worn down bus my hand clutching onto my tidy suitcase. The bus screeches as it signals its leave with a puff of smoke filling my surrounding air.

"God dammit.." i manage to say under my breath.

"what the fuck-" a deep voice behind me spoke.

My friend started going on off at the voice behind me repeatidly yelling 'language' until he needed to catch his breath. I turned around revealing the mystery person behind me. His hands were gripping onto a stone axe, the sun creating a silhouette of his masculine body, his clothes were dusted with dirt and his hair tinted pink.


My face immediantly falls into my hands cringing at my stutter.

"w-w-w-why on e-e-e-earth are you guys here, arent you supposed to be sobbing over your defeat you pathetic gay mistake." Techno chuckles at his lame joke, before we fall into silence.

Techno and I had this huge rival ship over some girl that i barley even liked in my last year of highschool. Now I am a college drop out with decent paying job. I have to pay for my own food and my parents were so fucking sick of me they sent me to a boy scout camp for me to 'learn' some actual 'shit'.

Techno and I, always had our rivalry  considering we are both jocks, have some shit past, and were the most highly graded people in highschool.

I was so sick of his bullshit and fake attitude. I was so done with life at that time, I did illegal drugs, partied every night and never got a girl, i figured if i came home with a girl in my arms i wouldnt be considered such a mistake to my abusive parents...

I was leaning against a locker with emily a girl who caught my eye in chemistry, everything was going swimmingly until-
"Why has a pretty girl like you ended up talking to this...disappointment" techno pouts lifting her chin up with his index finger.

"dude back off, i got dibs." i slapped his hand away.

"Awwh two of the hottest jocks fighting over me? Oh i am so very flattered."

she catches our attention, we glance over to her breaking the tense staring techno and I had.
"boys there is only one way to settle this.."
a grin forming on her glossy lips. "the bed-" I rest my face trying not to cringe at her cutoff sentence of the attempt of her said sentence. The school bell played in the crowded hallways, students rushing to class like sugar rushed ants but she didnt care. She reached up for our collars tugging it out of the school into the field.

There was a bunch of low lifes on the bleachers dealing and smoking. I redirect my attention to the ginger, I was determined to make her mine. "hey pissbaby, over here." Techno gestured 2 fingers going back and forwards between our eyes, mine were peircing emerald green whilst his was a light soft baby blue. As i made my attention turning my head to face him, technos fist collided with my face knocking me down. It was blurry my surroundings spinning as my fragile body plumments onto the stained grass. My head was throbbing as overwhelming thoughts infiltrate my mind,
'what're my parents going to do?'
'was anybody gonna help me?'
'will i get suspended for messing with the principles nephew?'

My eyes grew heavy as i eventually black out into the dark void of my mind, my eyes rest pushing out the tears i held in. Before i entered my conscious state, my mind flashes an image? Maybe a memory of techno and Emily as they walked into the sunset lips conjoined... I chuckled at the embarrassing imagery.. ew Emily.

I soon wake up in the nurses office immediately flinching and hissing from the hard bruise on my face.
"Well hello sleepy head!" the joyful nurse happily whispered dabbing my face with a damp cloth trying not to frighten me.

I immediately sat up "Miss could i ask, how did i get here??" i questioned

"Oh Mr Clay leaving so soon?" She giggled "Awh you're are always a pleasure to have around, but um to answer your question..Im not quite sure myself.. This girl??" She scratched her head staring off into the distance trying to remember.

emily came back..joyful thoughts flow into my mind. Wait nah ew

"all i know was she pulled you in and left."

"thank you miss.." i smiled at myself knowing Techno didn't get away

"of course hun"

first chapter (quite short) how do we feel? I PROMISE IT WILL GET BETTER. It's 4 in the morning bestie gotta sleep nighttt.
813 words

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