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||Sapnap POV||

hi o/

heyy whats up?

uhm do you ever wanna meet up some time?

Yeah sure!

OH my GOD tytytytytytytytyytytytytytytytyytytytty!!!

Of course maybe in 3 days time?

Yeah sure!


||Clays POV||

"I think im just gonna have some fruit, im not quite hungry." I spoke trying to part from George. He pulled me back in tugging on my arm.

"No! I wanted to try some wofleh?" I stared at him with a large smile trying to contain my laugh.


"Yeah that."

"You've never had a waffle!?"

"oh shut up." He pulled me to the waffle stand asking for 8 waffles. I stared at him as he looked at the lady cooking them.


"Yeah! 3 for me, 5 for you!"


"You also get chocolate stop complaining." He giggled excitedly waiting for the waffles. His eyes were watching every moved she did, every drizzle, every pour. He was so fucking amazed at waffles. Once the Food was ready she stacked them up on a plate, topping it off with berries and cream. [ifykyk]

We sat next to Sapnap and his roomates. Sapnap knew about my eating disorder, he always tried to help but I would never budge.

"Whatcha guys eating~" Sapnap leaned in closer with a smirk on his face.

"I got me and Clay waffles!" I watched as he admired the stacked master piece. "C'mon Clay eat up!"

I looked down to the waffles scared of the amount of sugar it contained.

"Mum and Dad arent gonna hurt you anymore Clay." My sister quickly swooped past me whispering into my ear, walking to a table with Wilbur and his brothers (since its a boy scout camp).

I immediantley dug in after listening to her reassuring words.

"Someones hungry." Quackity stared at my with widended eyes. I was down to my last 3 waffles.

"I barely got a bite!" I looked over to see Georges 3 barely touched waffles. We laughed and talked, I finally felt happy.

||Delilah POV||

"Niki gold!" I was searcing for my daughter, she wasnt anywhere in sight. Not in the house, nor playground. Tears started flowing down my face as I yelled for my daughter. My mum came from behind me pulling me into a hug.

"We'll find her, dont worry honey." My daughter has been missing since my siblings ran away. My tears filled the fabric of my mothers shirt. I parted from my mothers hug to avoid wetting her shirt more. I continued yelling for my daugter, she was only 10 she doesnt deserve this. 'I wanna see my uncle.' her voice rang in my head like a ghost. Thats when i put the pieces together immediantly sprinting towards my car.

"Im gonna find her!"

"But sweetie she couldnt of gone far by walking!"

"She didnt walk." I pushed my feet on to the pedal driving away leaving my mother alone on my familys front yard.


||Georges POV||

The sun was setting, I was racing Clay up the hills. To our cabins. I turned to look at him a wide smile plastered on my face.

"Follow me!" I took off my shoes chucking them on the patio behind our cabin. I continued running through the bushes to the field we last went to 2 weeks ago.

Once we made it to the centre of the field, I admired the sun lightening up his features. He was tall, handsome, everything you could ever dream of.

"Whats a wild dream of yours?" I asked him, still keeping my eyes onto his.

"Hm, maybe.. leave this town with you, we'll take my car and drive past New York city. Get a beautiful house. Completely safe from my family"

"Thats so- beyond our reach.." I looked down at the shadow the sun cast of me.

"You said Wildest dream georgie." The sun set. It was dark, Clays cheeks were rosy still staring into my eyes.

"Your so dry!"

"Oh am I?" He started running at me tackling me into the ground.

"Dream!" He giggled brushing his fingers through my hair. I soon gave in wrapping my arms around him. We lay in the middle of field of daisies, hugging eachother as we drift off to sleep.

"Beyond our wildest dreams.." I kissed his exposed cheeks and dozed off to sleep

"Night Clay.."


"George! Clay!!" I woke up still in Clays arms.

"Sapnapp." I groaned carefully lifting Clays weight off of me.

"Sorry lovebirds but Delilahs back!"

"W-what. Why on earth is she here?" Clay soon sat up stretching his arms, looking up to Nick.

"I dont know but shes been crying ever since she came here. Cmon get up!" He grabbed us up and started heading back to the Camp Grounds.

Me and Clay followed walking through the bushes over to Technos family.

"Mam! We will find her please stop sobbing, our scouts need sleep!" But she just continued crying into her hands.

We walked closer to her still remaining a safe distance. She lifted her head up revealing her bloodshot eyes.

"Clay! Oh my baby brother!" She ran up to Clay hugging him tightly. "Shes missing! Nikis missing Clay!" [shes 28]

"H-hey Delilah.. We'll find your daughter." He pulled them apart looking into her eyes. "I promise."

I just rolled my eyes and walked over to Nick and Bad.

"Nick her Daughter is missing. Give her some pity!"

"its probably a trap." I joined in, Nick aggressively nodding his head.

"Shes been missing for 3 days! You guys are so mean! Ar- ugh!" He stormed away to give Delilah a hug and a bunch of bullshit promises.

Nick stood there looking onto the ground with a hint of guilt. I tapped my shoes on the ground gazing at the clouds. Is it that bad?

"I-i have a secret follow me." I looked up To Nick walking the same direction he was.

We walked into the Forest again, carefully stepping over sticks and roots, dodging branches that stuck out.

"Sapnap where are we going!" He stopped at an abandonded shed turning around to face me.

"Pomise not to scream."


SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER. BUT NOTHING INTERESTING SHOULD HAPPEN IN A CHAPTER CALLED BREAD. And tbh i was just craving it, and i ran out this morning. gimme bread.

word count: 1000

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