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Gabriel's p.o.v

"Happy birthday,Gabriel" I heard a loud scream, which sounded like multiple people screaming,as I entered into the house. I saw my mum heading towards me with a cake in her hands.

"Make a wish" my mum said and I smiled at everyone expectancy.

"It is in my mind" I said and my mum nodded. I was waiting for her to respond.

"You have to blow the candle!" my little sis,Brenda shouted and that was when I noticed the candle light.

"ohh.."I said and blew a slight breeze from my lungs which made the candle light off slowly.

"Happy birthday again, honey " my mum said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I saw my dad from a distance staring his eyes out on me. I don't get what is making him mad

"It is your son's birthday can't you at least say something" my mom told my dad and he shurgged.

"Happy birthday" my dad said and stood to leave

"Not even a hug" I said and he hugged me slowly.

"Why is dad mad at you,big brother?" Brenda asked

"I don't know why don't you ask him,after all he is your father also" I said "I can't have someone ruin my sixteen year old birthday" I added and left to my sit.


The party was a lot better than I expected my dad didn't come down to disturb me and I had my party in peace. my sister kept on asking me the same question 'why is dad mad at you?'


I carried my bag and headed to the living room to get my keys.

"Where the fuck are my keys?" i asked aloud and stamped my foot on the ground.

"Since you can't learn to respect me then you leave your life without me" my dad said rolling the keys.

"Dad my keys" i said with a disrespectful tone and he smiled

"I own this house,I gave birth to you, this is my key not yours. not like you own a driver's license" my dad said and walked back to the room.

He was right, I had no driver's license but I had a driver and he seized my keys. what kind of father is that? just because I lied to him about my where about. I hate this Christianity of a thing.


"Can't you manifest his powers now" angel gabriel said to God.

"He is not ready and besides there haven't been any toment From the witches" God said
"what do you mean,he is not ready?" angel Michael asked

"Can't you see? he can't even respect his own father.he doesn't even believe I exist" God said and let out a breath. "let him acknowledge me first and I will manifest his powers" God added.

"But --"

"Just leave my sight" God said and they left.

It seems the witches have been troubling the angels for a long time now and they want it to stop. God proposes that the 3rd God must acknowledge him before he let him manifest his powers.


"Looks like your mum keeps making you mad. now they made you go without your car" Teresa said

"Not my mum but my dad. he keeps telling me how to leave my life" I said

"But he is your dad and you are his son. shouldn't you listen to him?"

"So you are trying to take his side"

"No am not taking sides here. I just think it is best if you apologise"

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