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Two weeks passed since Daniel's birthday. 

I didn't have the time to announce our wedding to my parents. In fact, I was probably only scared of their reactions. What if they do something... bad ? They were capable of it. But now that Daniel was sort of rich, they should be happy for me, shouldn't they ? Every normal parents should be happy for their daughters if she gets married. 

Then it hit me. My parents aren't normal.

But actually, there was another reason. A more serious reason why I choose not to tell my parents that I was going to get married in six or seven months. There were rumours I heard from people, from the radio. Things I've seen in the streets, in the most casual shops. 

"Prepare yourselves." it said "The devil is soon going to be the one standing at your doors.

Knock, knock. It's The War."

Those lines made me shiver. 

And now, I was hearing and reading them everywhere. I was getting scared but decided to ignore it. When I am scared of something, I try to ignore it as much as I can until it goes away. Until everything gets back to normal.

I was far from guessing what was going to happen next. Far from it.

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