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After three days, I could finally walk and I was out of the hospital. Of course, during these three days, I was never alone. Woody and Chrissy came everyday, and so did my parents. Kyle and Will also came to see how I was. On the first day, I was still very nervous about this handicap, but now I wasn't as scared as before. I was afraid of this new lifestyle. A life without sounds... a life without music, a life without words. I felt terribly sad. Without the ability to hear, what will I refer myself to during the night ? I, who used to wake up early in the morning to be the first one to listen to the singing of the birds. Who used to lay in the garden just to hear the world moving around me. All of this was gone, and I had to accept it. But I had to stay optimistic. At least, I could still walk. At least, I could still see. I could still write.

I wrote to Woody, asking him if he could keep Dan and Mia for the rest of the day. He agreed and I got out of his car, waved goodbye to Dan and Mia and watched the car drive away. I stood on the pavement for a while, watching my house. It didn't seem as familiar as it used to be. Something felt wrong. Nothing was ever going to be the same again.

I took a deep breathe then turned around to face where I truly meant to go. At the beginning, I walked slowly but I progressively ended up running like if I had the Devil chasing me. I stopped, now standing a few meters away from it. From the tree. I approached it, taking as much time as I could. When I was close enough to touch it, I concentrated on the four other senses I had left. I watched the few clouds that were lost in the sky, I placed my hand on the tree and breathed heavily to let the cool air run through my lungs. And for the taste, I remembered I had kept a chocolate from the hospital, which made me laugh slightly. I was finally ready.
I walked around the tree and found a hole. I hesitated for a second. I knew I had find the place. When I will have opened the box, then what ? But my curiosity took over my thoughts and I put my hand in the tree's hole. I shivered, feeling a cold metal under my fingers before grabbing it. I opened my hand to reveal a grey key. I examined it and I could read "To my heart" engraved on it. What could this box possibly contain ?

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