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I sat on the side of my bed, sweating. I had woken up from a nightmare but I couldn't remember what it was. I always remembered my dreams, though. Especially if I was still scared about them when I was awake.

I reached for the light to turn it on. Nothing happened. I sighed, thinking that the bulb must've burnt out. I got up and walked to the door. I grabbed the door handle and pulled it. The door didn't open. I felt my heart pound faster and faster, my blood freeze. My hand was still on the handle as a cold wind brushed the top of it. I quickly took my hand off and stepped back.
This cold wind repeated the same thing but this time, next to my ear. A sound of fear came out of my mouth. I froze again and began to shake. I could hear myself. And I could hear it whispering inaudible things under it's breath. I concentrated, trying to catch it's word's. I heard my name and a few other words. "see..." "me..." "thing..." It didn't make any sense. It was like words were randomly filling up my ears. 'It must be a dream. If I can hear, it has to be a dream.' I pinch myself and closed my eyes, hoping that the next time I will open them, I would be laying on my bed.
I opened them but here I was again, standing in the corner of my bedroom and the horrible voice carrying on.
"Leave me alone!" I screamed "Who are you?!" The voice suddenly stopped.
The light lit up but in a blinding light, I had to cover my eyes with my arm, the door opened and a strong wind came with it. The window opened itself and everything stopped. It was dark again.
I waited, wondering what I was actually waiting for. I noticed a slight light coming from the outside getting stronger and stronger. After a minute, the whole room was finally filled with a cool light. Something touched my shoulder. I jumped and screamed in fear. I turned around to see it... or him.
A sad smile formed on his mouth letting his dimples appear. Daniel.
I wrapped my arms around his chest, holding him hard and cried all the tears of my body.
He slowly pushed me away, his hands on both of my arms. His eyes were filled with compassion but his smile with sadness. "Scarlett, How I have missed you." His voice was exactly the same as I remembered. He hadn't changed a bit. "I know you did too. But you have to listen to me. Will you?"
I nodded, rubbing my eyes with my hands.
"Good." he sighed "Scarlett. You will have to be strong. You will have to be brave. I love you immensely. With all my heart and all my soul. Things didn't happen like they were supposed to, I know." he firmly hold my arms "Take good care of Mia and Dan, please. And above all, take good care of you. I beg you. Can you do this for me ? Look at you..." I stared at the floor, ashamed. "You still look beautiful to me and always will. But this isn't healthy. You could have problems. Fix this up, deal?" I met his eyes again and nodded.
"I will." I whispered
He smiled our lips touched each others. Butterflies flew all over my body. The taste of his lips was one of the things I had missed the most. He broke the kiss and smiled again. "I feel overjoyed, when you listen to my words." he whispered. I frowned in confusion and opened my mouth to speak but he placed his finger on my mouth, closing it. "Goodbye."
In a second, he was gone. Gone.
I woke up, not believing what I had just dreamt about. Was it real ? If yes, what did Daniel mean ? I felt lost. Happy, extremely sad. I wasn't sure.

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