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"Hey you!" a deep masculine voice snapped me out of my thoughts . I found that a dangerous man was looking at me .

I went near them and tried to be confident ,"Yes sir !?" . "Such an irresponsible café this is , till now no one came to take our order ," he said in frustration. "We are so sorry ,sir . Are you ready to order ?" I asked politely

"Yes!" another man said . I smiled,"What would you like to order ?" . The dangerous man muttered something under his breath , I ignored and focused on the other two men ,"I will take a cappuccino and a chocolate muffin," . The other man spoke ,"Just a normal coffee" . I looked at the dangerous man , who was shamelessly gawking at my body and that made me uncomfortable ,"S-Sir , what's your order ?" . He looked up then glared at me .

Shit ! Now what did I do ?

His glare was so dangerous , "I-It is ok sir ,if you aren't prepared yet , I will come a-" he interrupted ,"a black coffee" . "huh ?" I asked in confusion .

He looks pissed now ,"a .black. coffee." he repeated while greeting his teeth .

I gave the order to Suraj . He started preparing them .

I felt dizzy . Gripping the kitchen island , I tried to stand straight ,which didn't go unnoticed by Suraj . He promptly held my arms ,"Hey Anaisha , are you ok?" .

"Yeah ! I didn't have my breakfast this morning , perhaps that's why I am just feeling quite dizzy," I explained . He nodded,"You should take care of yourself ," he gave me a disappointed look then forwarded a glass of water,"Take it !".

I drank . He took the glass back ,"Anaisha ,I might be smaller than you but you can share it with me . You know what !? You should file a complaint about your dad ?" He advised me .

Yup ,they all know everything about me and my family . I know I should not open up everything with people but they are like my family and I also needed to share my feelings with someone .

"Believe me , I really want to do that but he is my father ,I can't even imagine him inside prison because of me ," I tried to make him understand .

" Enough Anaisha ! That's enough ! From today onwards ,I am not gonna repeat that again . You always end up denying it . You couldn't send him behind prison cause you love him but he can hit you all the time . Dang it !" he shouted and continued working on the order .

I sighed ,"Sorry Suraj " . "Order " he gave me the tray without looking towards me . I took it and made my way outside .

I was near their table , when I again felt dizzy , everything became quite blurry , black dots started appearing in front of me. I stumbled . The sound of the noisy café turned into whispers as my hearing strength decreased.

The tray slipped from my hand .

"WHAT THE FUCK ? " a loud growl echoed around the café .

I clenched a table ,very hard . I tightly closed my eyes then opened. The view was clear , but I jumped when my eyes met the fierce one .

"WHAT WAS THAT ? " the dangerous man growled . "S-Sir , w-what's wrong ? "

"WHAT'S WRONG ? FUCKING WHAT IS WRONG ? YOU ARE ASKING ME WHAT IS WRONG ? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ? DON'T YOU HAVE FUCKING EYES OR CAN'T YOU SEE ," he yelled . I flinched . Suraj entered , he looked confused , "Sir what happened?". Tina and Mr . Choudhary too entered when the dangerous man was about to speak , "What's going on here ? And you mr. - " he stopped , "Shubham ,what are you doing here boy ? " . "I will talk about that later" he told , still glaring at me and Mr. Choudhary saw it , "What happened ,Subham ? " he asked the dangero- sorry Subham .

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