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I explained him the plan , "It can work !" he exclaimed holding my hands creating goosebumps because of his cold hands .

The door bell rang ,"must be the dinner !" he stated and walked to the door . He returned holding two paper bags ,"Anaisha , the dinner is here ! " I got up , giving a last glance at the city, I slid close the balcony door .

"Why you never shared it before ?" I asked him putting the spoonful of food inside my mouth . He stopped munching ,"Never got a shoulder as yours maybe that's why ?!" he stared the wall , blankly . I sighed ,"Hmm..! You can't always find what you want !"

We ate the food in comfortable silence , the clock sound was the only thing echoed across the room . "What is the time ?" Shubham asked . I looked at the clock , behind him ,"It's eleven - thirty !" I told him .

He got up and grabbed his jacket ,"What are you doing? " I questioned him with confusion . "We are going somewhere !" he simply replied . "Where ?" I again asked . He pulled me holding my hand and gave me my jacket ,"It's a surprise !"

He dragged me out of the hotel . "Shubham , will you tell me where are we going ?" I asked with curiosity . He didn't say anything just kept walking ; holding my hand, I must add .

He suddenly stopped , he turned towards me . I gave him a look . He pulled out his handkerchief and went behind me . Then something was wrapped around my eyes ,"Wha-" "Shut your mouth and walk !" he interrupted me .

I frowned , "Are you ready ?" he queried . "For what ?" I questioned . He opened the cloth . I opened my eyes and saw a huge crowd . But the place where we were standing was completely vacant . I felt a blow of cold air on my neck sending me shiver . Shubham whispered ,"You will get your answer . 5 . 4 . 3 . 2 . 1 ." as his countdown ended a huge tree between the crowd sparkled with white and yellow fairy lights . Then I realised it was a Christmas tree .

My jaw dropped at the beauty . It was decorated with different kinda balls , stick and stars . I gawked the tree with wide opened mouth . I felt arms around me ,"Merry Christmas !" came Shubham's deep husky voice . My body tensed as he pushed his face in my hair and sniffled my scent .

I was weirdly satisfy . I mean - I - I don't know !

I felt warm as he snuggled into me more . "M-Merry Christmas ! I wished him . He suddenly left me, taking away all the warmth . All of a sudden he forwarded me an ice-cream . I frowned ,"When you bought them ?" I took it from his hand . He shrugged and unsealed the wrap of his ice-cream .

I looked down at my ice-cream which was I was still holding. My vision blurred . A drop of tear fell on my hand ,"Anaisha , I am sorry if I was being rude . I didn't meant -" Shubham cupped my face and started apologising but I cut him off ,"It's not your fault . I was just a bit upset and .... surprise !"

"Why ?" he muttered . "No one has ever done this much for me . I never had good friends since my college times ." I paused ,"That is why , I - I - it just !" I sighed . "It hurts ! Isn't it ?" he completed my sentence . I nodded .

We stood there in empty silence . "No one has ever showed me this much love . No one has ever done this much for me . I remembered when I was small my dad and I always sneaked out to eat ice-cream . Actually , my mom used to get angry if we eat ice-cream while winters but only for my happiness , dad always went against mom ! " I admited and chuckled sadly . "But then -" a sob escaped my lips remembering those painful moments.

I was then pulled into a warm and comforting hug . I wrapped my arms around Shubham and pushed my head more into his chest . I murmured ,"Thank you so much for all this things !" He caressed my hair ,"shh..! Enough ,no more cries ! " he pulled away and cupped my cheeks , wiping my tears by the pad of his thumbs . "If you ever feel alone just let me know . Your friend , Shubham will be always there for you !" he stated.

I showed him my palm ,"Promise ?" He chuckled deeply and kept his palm on mine ,"Promise !"

"Thank you once again for all the things you did for me !" I thanked him . "Anaisha , stop saying that . And this is nothing infront of what you did for me. You saved my life , my mom . I owe you , Anaisha !" he sighed. " Nonsense ! Don't say that !" I glared playfully.

We burst into fit full of laughter .

"Good night !" I greeted him and laid down on the couch . "Anaisha !" he whined . I turned ,"What ?"

"Do we need to sleep tonight ?" he gave me puppy eyes . "Let's talk about random things please !" he added . I sighed in defeat . Wrapping my blanket around my body ,I walked to bed . I sat beside him ,"You can come inside !" he spoke opening his duvet . "No ,I am fine !" I replied .

I gasped when he pulled me with great force that I landed on his lap . He cover us with duvet ,"It's more warmer !" he looked down at me . I blushed at our proximity . My heart started racing wildly.

I tried to get away from his lap but he gripped my waist ,"don't move !" ,"but I am sitting on you ." I whispered shyly . "So what ? If you will sit beside me then the duvet won't fit us properly ,it's not that big . Wait , are you uncomfortable near me ?" he asked with very sad and hurt voice .

"oh..no no , you understood wrong ! I thought you would be uncomfortable !" I answered awkwardly . He moved few pieces of hair away from my face ,"Can I ask you something ?" I spoke . He hummed ,"hmm..!"

"Y-You have a girlfriend , right ?" I questioned and then felt a sadness or something different inside me . "Who said you that ?" he asked ,voice filled with amusement . "umm..when that day I entered your office . I saw a girl on your lap !" his body tensed at my statement .

~to be continued~


Words : 1038
Published : 29 Nov 2021

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