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I was working , when I got a message that my parcel is delivered . I came out and took it . I was about to enter in my cabin when I noticed Ms. Sharma is still at her place . Don't she eat her lunch ?

I called her inside . She came ,“yes sir !” “You won't have your lunch ?” I asked her . She was shocked by my sudden question,”umm- ye- yeah ! I'll take ,” she smiled . “When ?” I questioned her . She bit her lower lip ,“umm-
I am not hungry right now !” she said avoiding eye contact .

I knew she was lying .

“Why are you lying , Ms. Sharma ?” I raised an eyebrow . Her eyes widened,“n-no sir ! I'm not lying !”

“Wanna have lunch with me ?” I quizzed her . She shook her head ,“No sir ! I am really not hungry !” Her stomach grumbled loudly as soon as she finished . “Come !” I chuckled walking towards the couch . “Sir ,it's really ok !” she said with embarrassment . “Ms. Sharma come. Join me please .moreover , I don't like eating alone always !”  I said rolling my eyes .

“But sir , it's yours !” she said . “No Ms. Sharma ,I always order extra cause sometimes my monkey bestfriends also eat with me !” I shook my head with a smile thinking about them then I realised they doens't talked to me since that day . “Sir ,you okay ?” she asked . I nodded ,“please come !”

She sat near me . I served her ,“thank you !” she thanked me . “You're most welcome !” I smiled .

“Tell me something about you !” I spoke between eating my lunch ,“What ?” she asked . “Like , your hobbies or who are there in your family ?” I suggested . “I don't have any special hobby and about my family , not much big just my mom , my younger brother , dad and I .” she said . “Wow ,a family ! Lucky !” I spoke sadly . In my family , I never saw happiness all I have seen is abuse , cheat and cries . I looked on Ms. Sharma to found him looking blankly ,I shook her ,“Ms. Sharma !” she jerked . “oh ! Sorry sorry !”

We ate our lunch .

“You can back to your work !” I said to Ms. Sharma . She smiled and thanked me ,“Thank you for lunch !” I just smile . She left .

I drove to S R school as I had some paper works . I finished my works and was coming outside when I found a small figure near a tree . I went little near to find , Aaryan . “Hey buddy !” I spoke ,he turned and gave me a big smile , melting my heart . He came running to me ,“hey Subam !” I rolled my eyes at the wrong name but its cute .

“What are you doing at school at this time, your classes are over ,I guess ” I asked him , raising an eyebrow . “Oh , I took part in our annual function so teacher told me to stay for more hours that's why ?” he explained ,I nodded .

“I have something for you !” he told while opening his bag . “Wow ! Really ? What's that ?” I asked him . He forwarded me a paper . I unfolded it find a picture of a man .

“Who is this man ?” I asked him . He gave me a shy smile ,“whose name is written ?” I looked ,it was written ,‘Subam' with a smiley . I looked him with shock,“Is it me ?” he nodded .

“How you did that kiddo ?” I asked with surprise

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“How you did that kiddo ?” I asked with surprise . “When I was small ,I saw didi making something like this then she told me it's how you draw a human so I know a little about this !” he smiled sheepishly .

“Ok so you gave me this then I have to give you a return gift . Do you like chocolates ?” I asked him . He shook his head as yes . “Stay here don't go anywhere ,okay . I will come in just few minutes .” I told him and ran away to buy chocolates .

Smiling and holding chocolates in my hand ,I came back there to find it empty . I looked here and there but didn't found him . His parents might've came to pick him .

Sighing ,I went back to my car . I came out when my car came to halt infront of company . I came out and took the elevator to my floor . I saw Ms. Sharma wasn't in her place ,maybe she was in washroom . My gave fell on the dustbin .

I took out the chocolates and was about to throw them when someone caught my hand . I moved my head to find Ms. Sharma . I pulled my hand away with frustration ,“What are you doing ,Ms. Sharma ?” I asked with annoyed tone . “What were you doing just now ?” she asked glaring me .

“What ?” I questioned her with confusion . “Why are you throwing them ?” She quizzed , pointing at the chocolates .

I looked at the chocolates ,“So what if I throw them ?” she looked me with disbelief ,“Are you serious ? 'What if I throw them ?' seriously?” she mocked me . I glared at her ,“Can't you make it clear , what you want to say ?” She sighed sadly ,“No . I will not . I won't tell you but I'll show you !” she said and held my forearm .

She pulled me but I didn't move . She again pulled and I again stood there still , she again pulled . Being annoyed ,I pulled her . She gasped and collide with my chest . When she looked up with ashtonish I realised her face was very near to me . Her lips were partly open . Her eyes were looking into my eyes . I lifted my hand and rubbed my knuckles on her cheek , her breath almost stopped and her eyes widened . 

She suddenly pushed me and cleared her throat ,“ahem ! Umm.. please don't waste them and keep it with you . And after we finish our work or when our works will end ,I will show you and please . Please don't waste the food , please not even that chocolates . Please !” she pleaded me . “Ok fine !” I said and dashed into my cabin office .

What the fuck just happened ? Fuck . Fuck . Fuck . FUCK . What the hell is she doing to me ? Why I always get attracted towards her whenever she is around me? Why my hands always itch to touch her ?


~to be continued~


Words : 1028
Published : 04 Nov 2021

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Happiest diwali to all my lovely readers . May lord give you lot success and happiness .

Have a safe and happy diwali (✿^‿^)



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