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I came out from Mr.Choudary's office to find ,mom and munchkin were laughing while eating their donuts .

We had some pastries too with some hot chocolates .

I gave my phone to them so that they can enjoy by watching some you-tube videos which they did . They saw some cartoons while I helped Tina and Suraj. they were denying but I insisted so they let me .we finished all the works .

I noticed Aryan had fallen asleep on a bench .I picked him up , keeping his neck carefully on my shoulder . I held him tightly . Mom yawned,"Sleepy !" .I chuckled"Dont worry ! We will reach home soon !" she nodded .

I got in and saw dad . His expression suddenly changed into glare at the small figure in my arms . I didn't realised when I left mom's hand and was holding Aaryan securely .I gulped audibly .He told while gritting his teeth,"Why is this bastard sleeping peacefully ? Because of him I lost my wife !"

"No ,you are wrong , because of your deeds we lost our old mom ! BECAUSE OF YOU ," I spat .


He slapped me hard . I fell down and I immediately covered Aaryan's head in my fist but my head hit the floor .

I heard a whimper . I looked at Aaryan's face to see...shit ! I hope he haven't heard anything ! He was crying .it broke my heart .

Suddenly ,I was yanked by my hair ."ahh...!" I yelped in immense pain . When I got up ,dad tried to pull Aaryan away from me . Aaryan started crying more loudly .

I looked at the corner of eyes ,I noticed the flower vase . I pulled Aaryan very hardly ,I grabbed the vase and smashed it on dad's head. He fell down instantly holding his head and growled ,"ahh..!You bitch ! I'll not leave you !"

I put Aaryan down and scanned around to find mom in a corner . Her body was trembling .I ran to her . I shook her but she was sitting there in full shock ;like a sitting statue .God ! I noticed my dad trying to get up ! This is not the time to help mom .

A sob escaped from my mouth because I was totally clueless what to do next ?

I somehow managed to pull mom ,thank lord she wasn't much heavy ,"Aryan run and go to my room !" he nodded and ran upstairs creating the light sounds of his mini footsteps .I dragged mom upstairs to my room . placing mom down I locked the door behind . I slid down against the door and hugged my knees .

Aaryan's sobs echoed around my room .My head shoot towards him .He was whole crying mess. "M-Munchkin " I called him with my trembling voice .He looked towards me then came to me running ,"I-I am scared !"He cried .I rubbed his back ."Shh..! Your didi is with you na , don't cry anymore !" I shushed him and placed him on the bed .I looked near bed ,I found mom was still trembling .A sob left my mouth .I crawled towards my wardrobe . I started throwing everything out from the wardrobe in process of finding mom's medicines . I am sure ,I had some extra in my room .

Where are you medicines ?

Oh ! Got you !

I teared the seal and feed it mom . She gulped it down with water . I rubbed her back .She started crying,"He .He w-wil c-come !He -He will h-hit me !"

"No ,he will not !"

Suddenly glass crushing sound came from downstairs .Dad !

My eyes widened .

Mom and Aaryan laid down on my bed ,I covered them with the duvet . Planting kisses on their forheads ,I exit my room and slowly walked down the stairs .I saw dad has passed out on couch .

I looked at his face with teary eyes then again went to my room .I barged inside the washroom and promptly fell on my knees .

Why dad ? Why did you changed ? I want my old dad back .I can never forget the beautiful moments that I have spent with you. A lone drop of tear slipped down ,my cheeks .

[ Flashback ]

I was 6 years old .

"No mumma ! Yuck chi !Mujhe nahi penna ye !I don't like milk !" I said while pouting sadly .
(I don't want to drink it)

"But Anaisha ,if you will not drink milk then how will you become strong ?" mom asked sitting in front of me .I got up and started running ,"No ! No ! No ! I'll not drink! I'll not drink ! "

Mom caught me . I turned to see she was looking me with angry look ,"Do you want a slap ? Huh ? Drink all the milk right now !" she yelled . "No !" my eyes welled up .

I struggled to free my hand from her grip ."ANAISHA .Behave yourself !"

The front door opened .Dad entered .

He saw tear in my eyes , he threw his briefcase and ran to me . He kneeled down ,"What happened ,princess ? Do you want one more doll ! We will buy come on !"

"Listen Himanshu ,You are spoiling her ! She show tantrums in every single thing ! And no she isn't crying for another doll . And if she would have been crying for ,why you will bring another when yesterday only she brought one."Mom exclaimed , resting her fists on her waist while glaring me .

"Offo Sunita ,Why are you so angry ? And about money ,for whom I earn money ? For my princess na ! Then ?" Dad spoke while touching my chin . I giggled .

"We have money ,it doesn't mean you will waste them !" Mom told angrily ."Oh Sunita ,we have only one child . If I will not spend for her then for whom I'll spend !" he replied while pulling me in his arms . He picked me up then placed me on his lap while sitting on the couch .

"By the way ,why my princess was crying ?" Dad asked worriedly ."I told her to drink the milk so she started crying telling 'I will not drink it' ,'yuck' ,'chi' ..What should I do of this girl ?!"Mom mocked me ."No dad ,she is lying .She shouted and scold me that's why I was crying ?!"I sticked out my tongue to her .

She gasped .Dad spoke"Ok so that's why you were crying ?!" I nodded hiding my face in his chest ."Sunita ,give me the milk . She will drink it "

I instantly lift my head and looked with shock but when he winked ,I understood. "Hmm..you only give her ,she will listen to you !" .

She gave us the glass and marched to kitchen .Dad and I drank half half and mom thought I drank them all ."hmm..good girl !" mom said smiling .I giggled,"You know dad is afraid of you !And he made me drink it just because he was afraid of you !" I spoke . Dad narrowed his eyes ,"Oh ,Dad is afraid of mom , huh? Wait let me show you !"He started ticking me . We all burst into laughter

[Flashback ends]

~to be continued~


Words : 1161
Published : 25 Oct 2021

It was quite emotional !



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