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"SIR , GET UP !" I jumped off the bed . I picked the pillow and was about to hit when I saw Anaisha. I kept my hand on my chest ,"What is this behaviour Anaisha ? You freaked the hell out of me ?" I said , holding my chest .

"I just freaked you but it seems like if you don't wake up immediately , you gonna get heart attack !" she exclaimed . I gave her a confusing look . She face palmed ,"Such a stupid man you are . We are getting late . Our meeting with Ms. Black is at 11 and now it's 10 , when you are going to get ready ?"

"What ?" I shouted and grabbed my phone. "I forgot to set my alarm yesterday !" I slapped my head . "Now go !" she yelled . I dashed into the bathroom .

I wrapped the towel around my waist . I touched my shaved cheek while looking in the mirror . I moved my hand trying to reach at my clothes , still checking myself in the mirror .

My eyes widened at realisation . Shit ! In hurry ,I forgot to bring my clothes . I took a deep breath and peeped out the door . I saw no one in the room . Maybe she is outside . I came out and did a light run to my suitcase . I took my clothes and turned . I was walking when suddenly Ms. Sharma entered through the door . She looked up , her eyes became wide . She gasped but then her eyes went little down . She gawked my body with same wide eyes .

I smirked and walked little near but still not broke her trace . I cleared my throat . She looked around the room but when her eyes fell on me , she covered her eyes behind her palm ,"What the hell do you think you are doing ? Go and wear something ! Such a shameless man ,you are !" she exclaimed , turning around .

"Oh..I am shameless ,huh ? You were the one who was gawking me , shamelessly !" I stated . I can imagine her flushed face ,"uh..um..N-No . I wasn't gawking you . We are already late and here you wasting the time . Go !" she snarled angrily . I chuckled and went inside .

"Ms. Sharma , we should leave now ! Did you informed Ms. Roy (Pihu)?" I asked her . "Yes sir ! Already done !" she smiled confidently . "Very good ! Call her , I am sure she will get late !" I ordered her fixing my suit . "Sure sir !" she replied and left the room .

How politely she speak ? How cheerful she is ? How calm ? How beautiful ? How can someone be so hardworking and loyal ? I don't know if I have any complain about her or no ! She is so perfect ! I was such a dumb ass who always created trouble for her ! I always hated her , always hurt her ! I always cursed her ! How did I do all that to her ?!

Now it's time to rectify my mistake ! And make her believe that I don't hate her anymore as I used to . And I'll do it .

My phone started buzzing on the night stand . I picked it up and saw , mom was calling me . I accepted it .

Shubham - "Hello mom ! How are you ? Are you taking medicines on time ?"

Mom - "offo..! Breath my boy , breath . Yes ,I am alright and taking all the medicines on time ! Hehe..! No need to think about me much son . You take care of yourself . You know I have so many health issue , today I am alive . Who knows tomorrow wh-"

Shubham - "MOM ! don't say a single word after that ! You know without you I'll die alive and you always talk this shits . I am not gonna talk with you . Bye !"

I cut her call. A lone drop of tear escaped my eyes . Why she need to say this things ? I have no one in this world except her and she...! Wait , I'll also not talk with her . Let her call !

I turned to find Ms. Sharma looking at me . I wiped my tear ,"Is she ready ?" I asked . She nodded ,"Yes sir ! She is waiting for us !" "Let's go !" we walked out of the room after locking it . I saw Pihu was wearing a short , revealing dress . Someone go and tell this whore ,we are going for a meeting ,not for some gala .

We all sat inside the car . My stomach grumbled . I missed my breakfast cause we were getting late . I sighed . I saw a packet infront of me . I looked at the source to find Ms. Sharma . "You can eat them !" she said ,"You must be hungry !" she added . "From where you bought this food !" I questioned .

"From shop !" she answered . I rolled my eyes,"I mean when ?" I asked . "While you were taking bath . I decided to bring breakfast for you but you never got time to eat !" she shrugged . "thanks !" I thanked her . She smiled .

I ate it while the ride . Thank to god , that bitch was sitting behind us ,not with us . God is so kind . Love you god . You are the best .

"Welcome Mr. Malhotra ! I hope you didn't get any trouble while coming !" Mr. Black shook his hand with mine . "Everything was alright !" I replied . "Hello ! Myself John !" His secretary shook his hand with Anaisha . "Hey ! I am Anaisha !" she smiled warmly .

"Nice to meet you Ms. Anaisha !" she smiled at him ,"Nice to meet you too , Mr. John !" . "And who may be you Ms. ?" he asked to Pihu . "Hey handsome . I am Pihu ." she said biting her lips . I crunched my nose ,"Mr. Black , Can we start the work for which we are here ?" I exclaimed .

"oh..sure Mr. Malhotra ! Please come !" I entered inside , the staffs bowed . I sat , Ms. Sharma stood beside me . And Pihu took her place . A employee started the presentation . I noticed , many of the male employees were stealing glances at Ms. Sharma . I clenched my fist . Gritting my teeth , I examined the presentation . Soon it ended . "So Mr. Malhotra , did you like it ?" he querried .

"To be honest , not much ! And your employees don't seem much interested working with you . While the meeting many attentions were on my secretary ." I said , gritting my teeth . "Oh.. I am so sorry sir !" he apologized .

"Sorry to say Mr. Black but we can't accept this partnership ! It need more improvement !" I tried to explain . "That's totally fine sir ! We will take care next time ! Thank you so much for excepting the invitation !" he smiled .

We shook our hand and left the company .

~to be continued~


Words : 1080
Published : 22 Nov 2021




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