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He pulled my face more near . "ahem !" a voice suddenly cleared it's throat . We instantly jerked away from each other . I saw Rani maa smirking at us ,"This is not a bedroom , children ! It's my orphanage !" she stated . I covered my mouth behind my palms with shock ,"What are you talking about ?"

"I wanted to say that don't romance here . My children will get bad effect ," she threw us a mischievous smile . "W-What are you talking about ? It's nothing like that , you got us wrong !" my cheeks felt warm as I blushed hard . "uh - I got a call ! " devil spoke looking at his phone . "achcha , I never heard it !" Rani maa told raising on of her eyebrows .

"umm- i keep my phone silent ," he told hurriedly and rushed out . I looked away , Rani maa came near me and sat beside me . She turned my face towards her and put medicine on my forehead ,"So , what was that ?" she asked . "Rani maa please , there is nothing between us . Infact , he hate me the most !" I exclaimed . She sighed ,"He may hate you but I have seen the worry in his eyes . And you only answer me why someone would worry about their enemy ? Why he carried you ? He might have left you there ? Why he was apologising you ?" she questioned me .

"What y-you want to say ?" I questioned her hesitatly . "You know perfectly what I mean ! I will not poke my nose in your life but I just want to say that , don't press your feelings for long time , you will regret later !" she explained and left .

I sighed and got up . I saw him waiting outside . He dashed to me as soon as he noticed my presence ,"Are you okay ?" I nodded with smile . "We should leave now !" I informed her and we bid her a bye after greeting her good night .

We walked across the alley which was empty , the street light were flashing their lights on the way . "Why were you crying ?" I asked him suddenly rubbing my arms as the night breeze was cool . He sighed ,"I don't think ,I can hide it anymore !" he let out a defeating giggle ,"When I was in my school , everyone used to make fun of me . I was basically a nerd who was getting bullied everytime .. all the time . They sometimes stole my homeworks because of which teachers always punish me and complain my dad and -" he stopped in middle .

He clenched his fist . He clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth . I placed my hand around his arms ,"its ok !" He looked down ,his eyes became soft . He presses his eyes and took a deep breath .

"Why were you crying ?" he asked . I blinked ,"umm- I just missed someone !" my eyes welled up . "Are you okay ?" he asked . Ok, the end ! I sobbed , he stopped and cupped my cheeks ,"hey ! I am sorry ! I didn't mean to upset you !" I sobbed ,"I miss him !"

"Him?" he took long pause then asked ,"W-who is he ?" "My dad !" I said wiping my tear . He caressed my cheeks ,"don't cry !"

"I am sorry . I am really stupid who start crying anywhere and anytime . You asked no ? 'Are you okay ?' that just - Leave it ! Let's go ,it's already late !" I started walking when he held my hand and pulled me into a hug . It was so warm and comfortable . My arms automatically wrapped around him ,I sobbed into his chest . He rubbed my back ,"shh..! It's ok Anaisha !" "No it's not ,I miss him so much !"i shouted in his chest .

"What happened to him ?" his question shocked me ,"he met with an accident and -" I lied , he stopped me in between ,"shh..! It's ok ,I understood !" he caressed my hair .

I pulled away ,"i am sorry !" , "Its okay !" he told and smiled .


I buckled my seat belt . The car started as its engine roared . Today was an amazing day which I never gonna forget . Such wonderful .

Those smiles of that children .

And that hug . A smiled appeared on my face . I can still feel her that fragile figure in my arms , her smell . Her silky hair . I looked at my hand and smiled stupidly .

What is she doing to me ?

Her mesmerizing eyes , her lips which always attracts me to capture them . When I hugged her , I felt like my word stopped , I felt something inside me . I didn't want that moment to end .

I drove to my house . Handing the key to my driver ,I marched inside with a stern look . I went to my bedroom and walked directly to bathroom after locking the door . I stood under the shower .

Her one touch was enough to control my anger . Her that sad eyes broke my heart . It pained me seeing her hurt . Why ? I ran my hand through my wet hair . I need some solution for my stress .

I called one of my whores .

It may relax me a bit .

She came to my room with one maid . The maid left . "If you fail to relax me don't expect for money !" I stated . She smirked seductively .

I groaned when some bright light hit my face . I hide my eyes in my palm . I saw my yesterday whore sleeping beside me . I pushed her and she fell down hard ,"Oww !"

"What the hell ?" she said and got up covering her half body by the duvet . "Wear you clothes and get out !" I ordered her . She scoffed and showed her palm . "What ?" I spat . "where is my money ?" she questioned . "Did you forgot our deal or what ? You never relaxed me so shut up and get out !" I snapped . "Not only me but no one would ever able to give you the pleasure you want but Anaisha !" she snapped back .

I looked her with shock,"What do you mean ?" "All the time your were only saying her name , even in your dream !" she smirked . "By the way , little boy in love ?" he mocked me and let out a snigger . "Its not you business ! Leave now ," I snarled .

"Give my money and I'll leave !" I pinched the bridge of my nose and took my wallet . I threw some notes of 2000 rupees on her face ,"Now , if I see you again , you won't ever able to see yourself !" I warned and dashed into my bathroom .

~ to be continued~


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Words : 1066
Published : 10 Nov 2021

Omg , they hugged !

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