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"Bye ! And take care ,okay ?" I exclaimed as munchkin ran inside his school . He turned and waved me . I waved back . When his figure disappeared between the crowd of children ,I left the place .

I rode to company . Parking my scooty at the parking lot , I jogged inside . "What's your problem ,huh ?" a feminine voice boomed . I kept walking as I didn't know it was for me . Someone pulled me backward by my arm .

I turned and saw the same girl who that day barged out warning me . "What ?" I asked her . "Why can't you stay away from Shubham ? See bitch , he is mine ! Why can't you leave him alone ? I know you are also a whore who want to be with him , in his bed !" I interrupted her by slapping across her face . She gasped and kept her hand on her cheek ,"How dare you ?" she was about to slap me when someone held her hand .

I lifted my gaze and found Shubham sir . He pushed her hand away ,"What the hell do you think you were doing ?" he screeched . It was so loud that I too jumped back so does she . She gave him a smile and kept her hand on his chest ,"Hey Shubham ! See no ,this bitch tried to hurt me !" she purred . I gasped at her lie ,"No si-" he stopped me by showing his palm .

He looked at me ,"What you did ?" he asked while glaring . I gulped and looked over that girl . She gave me a wicked smirked . "Ms. Sharma what you did ?" he asked ,this time loudly . "I-I slapped her !" I simply answered .

"Why ?" he questioned . "Sir , she called me a whore and also told me that ,'I am a whore who want to be with you in your bed !'" I spoke shamefully . "Did you said that ?" he quizzed to her with very calm tone yet dangerous . She replied confidently,"yes ! I don't think I lied !" she laughed . Other members also started laughing .

My vision became blur hearing their laugh . I sniffled ,"Shut up !" Sir's voice boomed . I lifted my head to find him watching me . I avoided his eyes . Suddenly a slapping noise echoed around the hall . I saw , that girl holding her cheek with wide eyes ,"How dare you ? How did you say those things to Ms. Sharma by your filthy mouth ? And make one thing clear , you are a whore who open her legs for everyone . Ms. Sharma is the purest soul , you will ever find ! And if I ever found you troubling her , believe me or not ,I will not think twice before making your life a living hell !" he shouted .

He pulled me near him by my waist ,"And not only she ,if anyone do the same,ever ! You will face consequences !" he warned . That girl was glaring me with teary gaze . Shubham sir pulled me and turned , I joined him in the lift .

"Today you came late ?" I asked him . He hummed ,"hmm..! I was working yesterday night so I slept little late and woke up late !" he tittled . "Thank you !" I thanked him . "No need ! You are my friend and anything for friends !" he winked . He placed his arms around my neck as friends does . I smiled secretly .

"Sir , What to do with this file ?" I asked him showing the file . "Keep it with you for now , I will take it afterwards !" he ordered ,while checking some files . "And Ms. Sharma , this one also !" he forwarded one more file .

"Ms. Sharma !" he called me . "Yes sir," ,"I have to make a deal with Mr. Black , owner of Black Industry ! Tomorrow we will leave for America . So ,today leave early and pack your stuffs !" he explained . "Sir tomorrow ?" he nodded ,"Any problem ?" I shook my head as no .

It was 5 p.m. when he came and informed me , 'I can leave now ' . "Bye Ms. Sharma !" We bid each other bye before leaving .

I was packing when munchkin came in my room . "Are you going somewhere ?" he asked rubbing his eyes lazily . "You got up ! How you slept so late today ?" I asked ruffling his hair . Today when I returned ,I found him sleeping that too wearing his school uniforms . I changed his clothes and made him sleep properly after covering him with the blanket .

"I was tired !" he answer giggling . "hmm..! Now you won't let sleep whole night ,huh ?" I questioned narrowing my eyes . He gave me a sheepish smile ,"You can sleep , I'll just sit beside you !"

I shrugged and lied down . He came then lied down beside me ,resting his head on my arms . I was sleeping when someone shook me ,I opened my eyes and found Aaryan ,"What ?" I quizzed lazily . "I can't sleep. Read me this story !" he exclaimed giving me his story book .

"Aaryan..! please sleep now munchkin . I've already read five stories for you !" I spoke when I notice he was blinking rapidly . He nodded and lied down . I looked at the time, 3:30 a.m. , great ! What use of sleeping now when I am going to wake up at 4 .

I will start crying , I swear.

I slept for few moments then woke up . I prepared breakfast . When mom and Aaryan got ready , I informed aunty once again that we are leaving the house now . She said 'alright' . First mom and Aaryan were sad cause I am leaving them alone but then I explained them that it's important .

"Munchkin , be a good boy . Don't trouble aunty and uncle ,okay ? Eat silently , whatever aunty give . And mom , you will not create any mess in aunty's house . Am I clear ?" I warned them . They nodded ,"Don't worry ,I will be a good . And I will also take care of momma , promise ." Aryan exclaimed.

I showed him my little finger ,"pinky promise ?" he giggled ,"pinky promise !" he promised interlocking his pinky with mine .

"Anaisha , you don't have to worry ! They won't trouble me after all they are my nephew and sister . You now leave . Have a safe journey !" she shooed me . I waved them and left .

~to be continued~


Words : 1016
Published : 15 Nov 2021

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