// 12 //

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I was preparing a file when the elevator made a sound . I turned my attention to find the elevator door opened . A man came out . He was the same man , I met on my interview day .He was well dresses , a blue shirt , black pant / dress pant , a tie and an Identity Card was hanging around his neck .

Our eyes meet .He smiled then waved . I waved back a little with a small smile but his smile was big . He came near my table and leaned forward resting his arms on the counter .

"Oh so you got the job ? " he said with a small smirk . I nodded awkwardly , "Yeah !" . "How are you feeling working with him? " he asked wiggling his eyebrows .

I hate it ! I really do ! He is a worst person I ever saw !

"Not bad , Probably ! " I replied with a small fake smile . "You don't need to lie , you know ! We can be friends now . Shit ! I forgot to introduce myself ! So , I am Kartik Gupta . Would you like to introduce yourself ? " he introduced himself then asked me with a gentle smile .

"uh yeah ! I am Anaisha ! Anaisha Sharma ," I answered him , politely .

"So ,you didn't answer how do you feel working under him or I must say with him ? " he questioned . "Its - " I was speaking when the office door beside my desk burst opened revealing a fuming devil .

"What is going on here ?" he spoke glaring at Kartik . Kartik stood straight , fixing his tie , "S-Sir we w-were just introducing ourselves !" . I gulped when the devil glared me . I diverted my gaze to my shoes .

"You come in my company to do this ! To flirt with girls ? To -" he yelled making my head snap to them . "No sir , he wasn't flirting !" I exclaimed . There eyes shoot towards me . Kartik's eyes went wide as if I shouldn't have said that .

"Did you just interrupted me ?" my expression changed into shock realising what I did ?! I hesitatly looked into his eyes they were glaring me like he will gulp me now . His jaw clenched . He shut his eyes tightly ,then opened ,"minus 2000 for again misbehaving !" . He stormed into his office leaving us whole surprise .

If he don't want to pay me then that's ok say it at straight why he need to act in this way !?

Dumb ass

I sighed sadly then sat on my chair . "Hey don't be sad !" came Kartik's voice . I looked up . He was now beside me . I turned my head to left so that I can face him ,"No ,I am not sad ! Its ok !" .

"You know what ?! Leave it - . Listen , after few minutes there is lunch break . Today you gonna have lunch with me ,okay ?" he asked , excitedly glancing at his wrist watch .

I don't think I've much work left . "Fine , I will come !"


Finally , I finished this file . I kept my file and the file Kartik gave me aside . I picked my phone to see the time .

1 : 30 p.m.

Ah , lunch time ! Wow ! Just exact time !

I picked those files then took baby steps towards devil's office . I knocked . I entered as soon as he ordered to come in . He was glaring at the file .

Again I felt pity for the files just as I felt for his phone, that day at café .


I kept the files on his desk grabbing his attention .

He checked them ,"good ! You may leave !" . I turned but he stopped ,"Wait !" .

I moved to his desk ,"yes sir !" . "I don't want you to talk with anyone during work . Understand ?" . I nodded while clenching my fist behind my back . "Use your words when you speak me !" he snapped . "ok sir !" I replied then left his office .


I went to cafeteria and stood there awkwardly trying to find Kartik who was nowhere in sight . I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump . The hand turns out to be Kartik's hand . He was standing there with a huge smile .

"I am sorry ,I didn't mean to scare you !" he apologized with a sheepish smile . "Oh ,it's alright !" I smiled . "Ok then ! By the way ,I am glad you came to have lunch with us !" he thanked me with the same warm smile . I gave him a questioning look ,"Us ?" .

"oh ! I am so forgetful ! I have a best friend too ,come let's meet him !" he remarked pulling me by my hand . He took me near a table where a man of our age was sitting and looking at his phone .

"Wassup dude ?! " Kartik shouted cheerfully . The man looked up then smirked ; they both bumped their fists . The man noticed me . His look turned different from before which shivered me . He licked his buttom lip between his teeth . I gulp and became uncomfortable . I wasn't liking his look . It was different , I mean very different .

Very wierd!

I pulled my scarf more up making sure it's covering my chest properly ."Meet Anaisha ,my new friend . And Anaisha ,he is Ayush, My bestfriend ." Kartik introduced Ayush while encircling his arm around Ayush's neck.

Ayush forwarded his hand for a handshake but I just waved him . He clenched his jaw then waved me with a smile which I am sure was fake .

"Ok I am going to bring lunch ! Anaisha , what would you like to take ? " Kartik asked . I looked at the menu board then searched the most cheap dish .

Got it ! Sandwich ! They are of 20 only .

"One sandwich ! " They both looked me with wide eyes . "That's all ?" Kartik quizzed , I nodded in approval . "What ? Who eat sandwich while lunch ? Anyways ,let me bring !" Kartik spoke in disbelief and walked away to the counter .

‘When you don't have enough money ,you eat sandwich while lunch .’I wanted to answer him.

Now , Ayush and I is sitting here alone . And I don't know why but this Ayush is a creep . He was gawking me .

shameless Idiot !

Thank god ! Kartik came soon . They both ate biriyani while I ate that dry sandwich which finished really soon and didn't even filled me.

It reminds me of my childhood when I couldn't even able to stay hungry for few seconds ,now I am eating only two times a day and drink bottles and bottles of water to stay alive .

My family get enough food . They can have meal three times a day . That's enough for me . I don't want anything else.


I came back to my place and finished the other leftover works given by the devil .

~to be continued~


Words : 1091
Published : 22 Oct 2021

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