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“Sir ,shall we leave ?” Ms. Sharma asked . I nodded sternly . “Good !” she spoke before walking out .

She told me that ,she want to show me something . The chocolates were still with me .

I started walking to my car when Ms. Sharma's voice stopped me ,“Sir wait ,” “Now what ?” I asked with annoy . “Where are you going ?” she questioned . “To my car , why ?” I replied . “No need of car , we can walk till there ,” she chuckled . I looked her with shock ,“Are you crazy ,woman ? How can we go there walking when we don't even know where it is ?!”

“offo , who said we don't know . I mean you don't know but I know and don't worry ,it's not much far . Moreover walking is good for health ,come on ,we don't have much time .” she told before jogging out of the main gate .

I followed her . She took the left side ,“You need to go this way ?” I quizzed her ,pointing at the alley . “ Offcourse , could you see some other way except this ?” she rolled her eyes .

“How dare you roll your eyes on me ?” I asked her with full rage . She scoffed ,“you are not my boss here . Please walk fast, you are very slow ,” she said before walking more fast .

She stopped infront of a shop or maybe a hotel ,“Come ,” she said and entered inside . The inside was beautiful . “Pack this things ,the way I said you to . Please !” she explained . I looked her with confusion ,“What are those ?” “Food ,” she answered . I chuckled ,“Are you hungry ?” “No ,they are not for me !” she replied . “Then for whom ?” I asked hoping her to answer this time .

“Have some patience sir ! Soon you will get to know ,” she stated and turned around . “Ma'am here is your parcel ,” a man forwarded the parcels to Ms. Sharma . “Thank you ,” Ms. Sharma thanked him . He gave her a smile which was disgusting . His teeth ,O my god !

“Ma'am your bill !” the receptionist gave her a bill . She gave it to me ,“'What ? Why you gave this to me ?” “You will pay ,no ? That's why ?!” She grinned . “What the hell ? Why I will pay ? You are the one who is buying those shits not me . So ,you only me ,” I spoke with pure rage .

She laughed ,“S-Sir , I was joking . Obviously , I'll pay .” she turned and unzipped her purse . I opened my wallet and gave my credit card to the receptionist . Ms. Sharma tried to take it away ,“Why are you paying ? I said , I'll pay,” she asked with frown . “I am not poor . I can pay ,okay ?” I replied . “Oyee , that was my dialogue !” she gasped . I chuckled and dragged her out of the store. 

The chills . The vibes . Amazing .

Our both side was surrounded by trees and cold breeze was making the moment more wonderful .

“feeling good ?” Ms. Sharma asked . “hmm,” I hummed . “I promise you won't regret !” she suddenly spoke . “Won't regret for what ?” I queried . “For paying for the food !” I saw a smile on her face . I hummed ,“hmm”

“Sunflower Orphanage,”I read out the name of the cottage infront of us . “yes ,” Ms. Sharma spoke . She took me inside . She knocked the door . A lady of his late sixties opened the door , she instantly smiled when she saw Ms. Sharma . She hugged her ,“O child . I missed you so does the children ,” she spoke in an old trembling voice . “I missed you all too !” she replied .

“Anaisha didi ,” a cute sweet voice boomed . A small girl came running towards us . She hugged Ms. Sharma' legs . “Sneha,” Ms. Sharma sequeled before lifting that child and spinned her in air . I couldn't help but chuckled . The old woman looked me with confusing eyes . I smiled at her . “Anaisha ,who is he ?” the woman asked to her. “oh he ? He is Shubham Malhotra , the CEO of Black diamond company . You know him ,right ?” The old woman's eyes became big .

“O my god ! I can't believe . I never imagined that one day Mr. Malhotra will visit our ,this small orphanage . Believe me ,not even in my dream ,” the old lady cried with happiness . I felt proud as well as happy . A smile automatically appeared on my face . “I wonder ,Why are you here ? How can I help you ?” she bombarded me with questions .

“No , he don't want you to help him . Infact , he is here to help you people .” Ms. Sharma said with a small satisfying smile . I raised an eyebrow , she smiled at me ,“he wanted to help the children so he bought some food for them ,” I was taken aback from her answer .

The small girl ran to me and looked me with immense happiness ,“you have food for us ?” she asked with hoping eyes.  I shook my head positively with a smile . She started jumping and clapping her hands ,“he have food . He have food. He have food . ” I smiled at the cuteness .

“thank you so much . I owe you . Thank you so much for your help ,” the old woman cried , joining her hands infront of me . I held her hands ,“no no please don't do that . You are older than me ,you should not do that , please !” I assured her . “I will call the children ,” the old woman ran inside .

I smiled at Ms. Sharma , she smiled back and nodded towards the small girl . I understood what I need to do . I took out one chocolate and kneeled down ,“hey ! Would you like to be my friend ?” I asked her showing the chocolate . She gasped ,“this is for me ?” I nodded . She nodded her head vigorously ,“yes , I'll be your friend!” I laughed as she took the chocolate .

She ran inside . “I didn't knew you will bring me to this kind of place ,” I told to Ms. Sharma . She giggled ,“Then what you thought , I'll kidnap you ?”

The old woman came out of the cottage ,“they are coming ,”

“They helped us a lot , Mr. Sharma always helped us in everything but - uhh - I mean after him Anaisha helping us . ” she remarked with a sad smile .

~to be continued~


Words : 1019
Published : 06 Nov 2021



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