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I was inspecting the partnership files , when all of a sudden my neck started paining. I lifted my head then threw my head backward while stretching my arms . I looked down at the file in my hand .

Tsk ! There are still so many files left !

I got up from my seat then turned towards the large glass wall . The street was busy . Children were going to school while workers were rushing here and there . In our parking lot , there are cars and few bikes . People were entering , talking , hugging , giving each other a fist bump , high five , and many more things they were doing . And here I am , checking old files .

They think that they work more ,and I just keep ordering them sitting in one place . Hell , I do more work then them .

My eyes fell on something . A scotty , the girl took off her helmet . My jaw dropped ,Ms. Sharma was that girl , when she took off her helmet all hair fell down and was blowing because of wind .

Damn! So beautiful !

She walked inside the company , holding her hand bag .

Who rides a scotty this days ? Many girls in my company rides cars or bikes whereas she rides a scotty .

She is that poor or a miser ?

Maybe after getting salary ,she will help herself .

I sat at my place .

A knock appeared on my door ; I spoke in a raspy voice ,“Come in !” .

Ms. Sharma came inside . “Good morning ,sir !” she wished happily . I rolled my eyes ,“Coffee !” . I peeped through my eyes lashes , her nose crunched a little , lips went a bit up , she was glaring me . She muttered something under her breath .

I tilted my head ,“You haven't left yet ?” . She jumped and dashed out .

After few minutes , she came with my coffee . Keeping it on my table she took few steps backwards .

I sipped the coffee

Let's begin the game !

“What the fuck is this ?” I shouted with a disgusting look . Her eyes widened , “S-Sir coffee ,” . “This is not called coffee . It's called sugar syrup , go and bring another one !” I spat .

She stood there still for a minute thinking that I may change my mind but that not going to happen darling.

“Ms. Sharma please, I know I am handsome , it doesn't mean you will keep staring me for whole day . Go and get me a coffee . QUICKLY ! ” I ordered her .

She rolled her eyes then stomped out .


Ms. Sharma again brought a coffee for me . “I hope this time , it would be perfect . I really hate it when someone ruin my morning coffee !” I spoke harshly .

“You are doing all this intentionally ,right ? ” I snapped her as I took a little sip of the coffee . “NOW WHAT I DID ?” she snapped me back . I got up promptly , “What is this ? Is there any problem with you ? How will I believe that , you will work properly when you can't even make a proper coffee ?” . She was glaring daggers to me while gritting her teeth .

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