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"Ms. Sharma , Is the conference room ready ?" Mr. Malhotra asked . I nodded,"yes sir !"

"At everyone's place ,there should be a pen , notepad and water , are they ready ?" he asked . "yes ,sir . Everything is ready !" I told . "very good ! As soon as you get the call , inform me !" he said . I nodded and left .

The phone rang ,I picked

Anaisha - "hello !"

Receptionist - "hello ! Inform sir that
they are here !"

Anaisha - "ok! Thank you !"

I went to his office cabin ,"Sir ,they are here !" . He got up in hurry and fixed his suit .

He walked out ,I followed him . He walked a door beside the elevator which I never saw open . He pressed a switch . The door opened revealing a golden small room . He entered inside ,I stood there puzzled . Should I enter or not ? "What happened ,Ms. Sharma ?" he asked . "Shall I come ?" I asked gesturing . "Then how you were planning to go ? Offcourse !" he said , rolling his eyes .

I promptly entered inside ,he pressed some buttons . The door closed and the elevator started moving .

This is my first time ,I am gonna be there while a presentation . I am hell nervous . Mr. Khanna is a really famous person as much as I have heard about him from other employees . Could I able to do it ? What if I tripped infront of me ? What if I did something embarrassing ? And if I do something wrong ,this devil will kill me there only ?

I felt someone's hand on my hand ,I came out of my thoughts and realised it was of devil ,"Nervous ?" he asked . I gulped . I shook my head . He chuckled ,"it okay , no need to lie ! First time everyone get nervous ! Even I was !" he told . I looked him with surprise ,"You also got nervous ?"

"Yup ! Don't worry everything will go well ! Don't get much nervous !" he assured me . "B-But I am not nervous !" I argued . He smirked ,"You think I am fool ? You are sweating when the elevator has a.c. in it !"

I wiped the sweat of my forehead . He just chuckled and squeezed my fist . I looked up at him , he blinking making me little relax .

The elevator door opened right infront of the conference room . We stood there until a man of his early forties came to view with a man of my age and one our employee . I gulped and took a deep breath . "Relax ! Don't get nervous !"devil whispered .

"Nice to meet you Mr. Khurana !" devil spoke making a handshake with Mr. Khurana . "Nice to meet you too Mr. Malhotra!" He spoke with a smile . "Hello , I am Yash . Mr. Khurana's personal assistant !" the other man introduced forwarding his hand for a hand shake .

I will also do the same ?

I shook my hand with his ,"Hi , I am Anaisha . Secretary of Mr. Malhotra !" "Such a sweet name ," he remarked while following his boss and I followed mine .

All the people in the conference were so confident except me . I was still nervous but not much as before .

I started the presentation . One of our employee explained everything to everyone .

“So ,we will fit this things here so that people can get a perfect amount of place in their room !” saying this she ended the presentation . Everyone clapped . “So ,did you liked that ?” devil asked .

“I would love to make deal with with your company Mr. Malhotra . The work is absolutely outstanding . A master piece . I've never seen such wonderful design ever !” Mr. Khurana exclaimed making Mr. Malhotra smile but very little ,“Glad to know you like it . I promise we won't disappoint you !” he told him with last handshake . “I know you won't disappoint me but as you know we need this to end this hotel in one month, so could you do that ?” Mr. Khurana asked . “We will ! You don't have to worry about that ,our best employees will work on this project !” devil told him . “Then the deal is final !” Mr. Khurana proclaimed , shaking his hand with devil

Mr. Khanna's secretary came and forwarded his hand to me ,“Nice to meet you !” I said with a handshake . “Nice to meet you too ! And by the way , wanna hang out ?” he asked with a wink . I looked him with surprise ,“I - uh - na - n-” I was cut off by devil's voice ,“No ! She will not ! And please leave, your sir is waiting !”

The man left with hurry ,I stood out of the conference till Shubham sir came and ordered ,“Collect all the papers and files !” I obeyed .

I kept them on my desk and went inside his office to ask for anything else . As I entered ,I saw him with shock , he was walking to and fro in the room with a huge smile . “Sir” I called him . He looked at me then ran to me . He held my both hands and shouted with huge smile on his smile ,“Ms. Sharma . We got it ! Finally ! Can you believe ?” he again started walking ,“O my god ! O my god , fuck ! Can't believe !” he hugged me tightly ,“I am so happy , so so so much !” he exclaimed happily . A stupid smile crept on my face .

My hands automatically went around his torso as I felt different seeing him happy . “Thank you ! Without you it wasn't possible !” he told me . I shook my head ,“No , it's not only mine or not only yours , it's everyone's !” I corrected him .

We heard a throat clearing voice ,“Ahem !” He immediately left me and scratched the back of his neck ,“S-Sorry !” “It's ok !” I blushed . I turned towards door to find a girl glaring at me with tear in her eyes . I gulped .

“Ms . Sharma , you may leave !” devil hissed .

Such a bipolar .

I came back to my desk and thought to to some other works . I was working when devil's door bang opened , the girl came near my desk fuming ,“You bitch , stay away from him . He is mine , my Shubham . You can never take him away from me if you do then I'll kill you ” she shouted then left .

What the hell just happened ? I blinked while recognising what she just spoke . Who ? What I'll take from her ? And why ? She need mental asylum .

~to be continued~


Words : 1041
Published : 02 Nov 2021

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What do you think about Shubham ? Is he getting something (feelings) for Anaisha or it's just normal ?

And guess ,who was the girl ?



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