25 | Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

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Dedicated to AJQwrites



Black felt appropriate given the circumstances.

Cyrus exited the vehicle first, stopping in his tracks as the building's opened doors and hollowed insides dared him to enter. Usually, he would have focused on where the old biology lab used to be, its brand new exterior serving as a reminder of his mistakes. That felt like ages ago. There was something much worse to take its place now; Hazel's memorial.

Michael got out of the driver's seat, closing the door and making his way over to Cyrus' side in his black suit. They kinda matched; Cyrus wearing a plain black tee, black jeans and his boots to complement Michael's all-black suit. He would have worn one too but he was saving the good stuff for the funeral.

"You boys sure picked a day to come back to school," Michael said. His tone carried the awkwardness of the air around them. Cyrus sighed, unsure of what he should say in response. Michael didn't force one out either, choosing to smile in the silence instead. At least he was still trying with him.

The ride here was quiet, a step away from their usual but Cyrus enjoyed it. In a weird twist of fate, Cyrus enjoyed Michael driving them to school. It brought him back to the mundane parts of his life, the parts he seemed to forget in his spiralling. Christian didn't utter a word the entire time, Cyrus catching on that his mind was elsewhere. He decided he would ask then they broke away from Michael.

"It's Hazel," Cyrus responded, finally able to speak. "We wouldn't miss it for the world."

Christian didn't say anything, instead, he gave a slight nod. He had his hair gently brushing over his forehead, his reading glasses tucked away in his black button-up shirt pocket and his fingers digging into the pockets of his black jeans.

"Oh, there's Ms Tucker." Micheal pointed out their principal. She ran up the stairs to the school's entrance nearly taking a nosedive with a few of her papers flying out. Today seemed to be a tense one for everyone. "I need to speak to her but I will see you boys later in the assembly okay."

He gave Cyrus a final pat on the shoulder before he dashed off. Behind him, Cyrus noticed all the other students and teachers alike and the various emotions glossed over their faces. Some treated the day like any other, walking into the school with headphones in their ears or scrolling through their phones, others were remorseful, stepping with heavy shoulders and grim looks on their faces. Then there was Mr Finch who glared at him from a distance. Great, he was walking over to them.

"Good morning Mr Finch," Cyrus greeted.

"Mr Laveau, Mr Scott." He had on a classic dollar store smile. "I got your homework assignments and I must say Christian, exceptional work as always."

"Thank you," Christian muttered.

"Cyrus, however, you could have done better. Who would have thought staying home for two weeks would worsen your grades?" It was too early in the day to deal with Mr Finch's attitude. Cyrus' fists clenched on instinct, tightening to the point where his knuckles grew pale.

"I'm sorry sir, I will do better next time." He wanted no part in carrying this conversation further, turning to walk away with Christian in tow.

"If you don't buckle up soon, you're going to fail my class Laveau. We wouldn't want that now would we?" From the smugness on his face, that's exactly what he wanted to happen. Once again, he was not about to let the words of a petty, middle-aged, balding high school teacher dig into his head. Not today.

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