35 | My Master, My Teacher, My Maker

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The blaring fire alarms made quick work, disorienting Christian. His eyes burned from the smoke and the bruised on his side stung from when he fell to the ground earlier.

Amidst the chaos of the flames, ringing and screaming people, there was an unspoken agreement between the three to see if the creature had survived the explosion. Christian's arms shook from uncertainty, eyes glued to the doorway, watching as the scarlet flames danced up the walls. If he were to get closer and peek inside, he woulld know for sure. Unfortunately, that also meant confirming whether Aiden was alive as well. For that reason, his body refused to move.

Rowan spoke first. "We — have to e—vacuate," he said in between coughs.

Helping his father off the ground, the two used the wall for support in order to get to their feet. Christian remained in place, still unsure of what to do. He couldn't just leave Aiden here. The memories of him being stabbed repeatedly by the creature ran back through his mind, causing a lump to grow in his throat.

A sudden voice broke through the chaos. A man's figure came rushing down the hallway, his footsteps growing louder as he ran towards them. He stopped inches away from the fire, his eyes reflecting its glow and his face coming into clear view. Christian's eyes narrowed, making out the worried expression on Mr. O'Grady's face.

What was he doing here? Was Cyrus with him?

"Mr. O'Grady," Christian spoke, trying not to inhale too much smoke. "You need to go get help."

He looked between the two boys, and the Sheriff confused.

"Christian, stay right there," he said. "I'll come to you."

A faint smile crept onto Christian's face. Perhaps it was childish stupidity to believe everything was going to be alright once an adult showed up. Either way, Rowan and the Sheriff did not seem to share that feeling. In an instant, the Sheriff scrambled to get his gun, disgust painted all over his face. He aimed the weapon at Mr O'Grady's head, finger itching to pull the trigger. Rowan's expression was not too far off from his father, his eyebrows buckling down and face scowling at their teacher.

Confused, Christian watched in horror as Mr O'Grady's worry morphed into a devious smile.

"Now, now, Sheriff," he said. "Don't do something you are going to regret."

He brushed his hand over the flames, extinguishing them all in an instant. Walking through the now clear hallway, he took micro steps towards them. Mr. Silva's hands shook violently, debating whether he should take the shot. Christian's eyes widened to the size of pumpkins.

Mr O'Grady stopped in front of the doorway, peering into the room and frowning.

"Unfortunate," he said. "But every plan has their hiccups."

He raised his right hand, bending his fingers in an unnatural position. Suddenly, a deep groan echoed the hallways, followed by a monstrous growl. The creature lunged towards him, mouth wide open, ready to chomp down on his head. Christian jumped back. How was it still alive after all of that?

Quickly putting out his palm, Mr O'Grady stopped the creature with ease. It fought against his telekinesis, to no avail. The creature's leathery skin was covered in burns and missing flesh from the explosion. 

Michael forced the creature to its knees before scolding it for ruining his plans.

"You were supposed to bring him back alive," he groaned. It hissed in pain as he squeezed its body tighter, threatening to break its bones. The hissing turned into whaling once the force increased, then a loud snap! Its arm contorted, twisting in the opposite direction. "That will teach you. You're lucky you have my parents in that husk of yours. The second I have them back, I'll have no use for you."

Christian backed away yet again. This wasn't the man he knew. This had to have been someone else. The way Mr O'Grady spoke was something straight out of a Stephen King book. His face switched from no emotion to pure disgust and back. He had previously watched the man tend to a bird that flew into their classroom window, nursing it with its broken wing. Even Cyrus expressed how Michael had been growing on him. 

To think this was what was hiding beneath all of that.

The man returned his attention to them, his eyes locking onto the gun. It flew out of Sheriff's hand on command.

"Come on Christian, we don't have much time," he said.

Before he knew it, there was a thud behind him. Rowan and his father had both collapsed to the ground, lifeless. Christian had no time to ponder what had happened before he was being pulled towards Mr O'Grady by an unseen force. He fought against the control the best he could, but it was like his body had a mind of its own and the very air around him was grabbing hold and moving him around.

"What do you want with me?!" Christian managed to get out.

Mr O'Grady stood before him, lifting Christian above the ground just enough so that they were at each other's eye level. "I like you, Christian, I really do, but you all left me no choice. That worthless stain is already dead, so I need a replacement. You kids ruin everything!"

The building shook from the level of Michael's voice.

"I need one more sacrifice and Cyrus needs to learn that people like you will never accept people like us."

Before he could respond, a wave of drowsiness came over Christian. His eyes began to close on their own, his entire body going limp as he succumbed to the mercy of Michael. The last thing he saw, Aiden's bloody, clawed and beaten body slumping on the wall, lifeless.

This concludes Part Two! This was the scene I have been itching for everyone to read and here it is! Now that Michael doesn't have another sacrifice, Christian lands on his radar

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This concludes Part Two! This was the scene I have been itching for everyone to read and here it is! Now that Michael doesn't have another sacrifice, Christian lands on his radar. Now with Aiden's fate unknown and Cyrus nauseous and in Paris, what will happen next?! 

 Now with Aiden's fate unknown and Cyrus nauseous and in Paris, what will happen next?! 

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