20 | Firecracker

122 19 248

Dedicated to MiyaHikari



Aiden spoke first.

"If you're here to yell at me again, save it," he said, aware of their presence in the room. "Wait, who are you exactly?"

Had he already forgotten about them? Christian breathed a sigh of relief. At least he didn't remember Cyrus trying to harm him two weeks ago. That made things quite easier for them. Before he could open his mouth, however, Aiden gave them a side glance.

"You're the one that gave me your jacket." His voice came out unamused, its low base bouncing off the walls. "And you're the one that almost took off my head with a tree branch."

"Christian and Cyrus," Christian corrected. His fingers found the edges of his sleeves, tugging and pulling to calm his nerves. Great, he remembers. His nervousness came back like an overgrown pumpkin crushing his tiny frame under its mass.

"Bridge boy here doesn't need to know our names," Cyrus said bluntly, his arms folding over his chest.

"You're right, I don't," Aiden agreed, continuing his staring contest with the concrete. "Neither do I care."

Christian nudged Cyrus, receiving a nudge in return.

"Would you stop treating this as an interrogation?" he whispered.

"He is literally a murder suspect, what do you want me to do?" Cyrus gave him an 'I-don't-want-to' glare but lightened up when Christian refused to back down.

"I can hear you," Aiden informed. "It's not a very big room."

Cyrus sighed, rolling his eyes. He raised his hands in defence and stepped back as if to tell Christian this was his job now. Having no problem with that, he moved closer to the bars, immediately realising they were unlocked. Aiden could have left whenever he wanted.

"If you still believe I killed that girl, once again, I had nothing to do with that." Aiden finally put it together. Cyrus snorted. Aiden didn't react, giving both boys another side glance. His jaw tightened when he gazed at Cyrus, mouth turning into a scowl. Christian noticed his body tense but when he looked at him, his shoulders relaxed a bit and his scowl reverted to its blank expression.

"Your friend was here earlier." He finally sat up from the bench, stretching. Christian paid attention to his eyes waiting for the moment they would glow that red hot orange again, instead, he found himself staring into their caramel colour for far too long. "I would rather not have another person scream at me so vamoose."

"We're not here to do that," Christian reassured, ensuring Cyrus didn't get any ideas.

"Then what do you want? Do you want your jacket back or something?" He stripped off the cotton jacket without warning revealing his bare-chested light brown skin and toned torso. Aiden threw it towards Christian, the jacket knocking against the bars before him.

He had no one and still, he was pushing them away from the first chance he got. Aiden's current behaviour matched how he acted on the bridge to the letter and still Christian got the sense there was something on his mind buried deeper. He stuck to his theory that the boy didn't want to hurt them, entering the cell and grabbing the jacket from the floor. After all, who would hurt someone in a police station?

"Christian what are you doing?" Cyrus asked. He had already taken a few steps forward to stop him but Christian outstretched a hand to indicate that he knew what he was doing.

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