3 | Black Out

417 78 888

Dedicated to Alana_Sinclair



This was definitely not the way home.

Cyrus sat directly behind Rowan, staring in silence. They should have been at their respected houses over ten minutes ago. From what he gathered, they had been driving on a completely different side of town. He had a good idea where the car was off to, but he mentally face palmed at the thought of Rowan being that stupid.

"Rowan, where exactly are you taking us?" Christian finally asked what everyone else had on their mind. It sounded more rhetorical, with hints of annoyance in his voice.

"I told you guys the night is young," Rowan said "Come on, it will be fun. Who knows what that lady saw."

"She was probably confused," Cyrus said.

Hazel leaned forward, reaching up between the driver and passenger seat. Her skirt lifted in the motion, showing a hint of her tights. Cyrus darted away, throat tightening with the burning of his cheeks.

"Rowan, please turn this car around. I will not be grounded again because you decided to play Nancy Drew for a night."

"Don't be such a buzzkill Hazel, we're not gonna get into trouble. Let's simply have a quick look around."

The houses at the edge of town faded to black, all the lights vanishing as they got further and further away. Forest took its place, a thick expanse of trees staring at Cyrus through the glass. He hated seeing Oakwood as a forest town, knowing that at any moment, creatures from the shadows would crawl out and descend upon them.

That's why he would never understand why Rowan seemed SO invested in uncovering what that lady saw. Cyrus would like to live in complete obliviousness for the rest of his life if it meant finding out it had a thirst for blood.

"See, we're already here," Rowan said in triumph.

Hazel threw herself back in her seat, unamused.

From where he sat, Cyrus could only make out the lines of caution tape wrapped around a few broken branches. They looked like streaks from a highlighter, painted in a jagged circle. Something else laid on the road, a glistening right beneath the car, shimmering under its headlights, making its way off the road.

"What's that on the road?" Cyrus asked.

"I'm guessing gasoline or brake fuel," Christian answered.

"Maybe it's monster drool." Rowan gave his own unwanted opinion.

"There's nothing here," Christian said.

"There's nothing here, on the road." Rowan raised a finger to quiet everyone. "That's why we have to check things out."

Rowan's insane.

Though not that late, they were kids on the outskirts of town in the dark.

Everyone remained silent, Christian staring blankly at their friend.

"Rowan Christian is right," Cyrus commented. "There is nothing here. If the police found nothing, you know, the people with the equipment and training meant for this, there's nothing to be found."

"The police didn't look. They just chucked it all up to a drunk driver and said she just hallucinated the creature or confused it for something."

"Great, we're here chasing after the words of a crazy person." Hazel seethed. "Dad is waiting for us at home. It's one of his only nights off, let's just go."

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