37 | Bury Me With My Sorrow

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Whenever he sees Cyrus again he was going to shove his foot so far down his throat. That idiot really thought splitting up would have been the best thing to do at a time like this?!

Clinging to the wall for support, Aiden made his way down the corridor hoping to find an unusually placed exit sign or another elevator or something. He kept his distance from the separated creature the best he could but even with its reduced speed, Aiden was in no shape to stay ahead. His body was using every ounce of strength to heal him and though he was grateful that he wasn't dead, he could really use a little more stamina. Even if he managed to blast that thing until there was nothing but ash, what was stopping it from coming back a third time?

Stopping for a second in order to catch his breath, he fought off the memories of his mother from the house. He heard Michael's muffled words while he was lying on the ground earlier. Their parents were inside that thing. Not just his mother but his father too. Aiden clung to his chest, wondering whether or not there was a way to free them. There it was. A faint sense of hope that he could have his family back.

Feeling a tingle at the back of his neck, he knew the creature was getting too close. Aiden ran through the thoughts in his mind, attempting to piece together everything he learned about the creature up to this point.

Turning around, Aiden switched directions, hobbling towards the creature instead. He doubled his pace, ignoring the throbbing all over his body. Cuts that have stitched themselves together were threatening to rip apart once more. He had no idea what he was about to do or whether or not it would get him killed. There was a moment he paused; once again remembering what Michael said. He was going to bring them back, the same way he brought Aiden back.

All he had to do was let go and let Michael win. Then he could have his family back. All the pain and death leading up to this would have been worth something. Max was gone. There was no one to hurt them again.

The creature saw him first, locking eyes with the boy and stomping its way over to him. Unlike when it was put together, this half of the creature moved much slower, staggering from left to right on thin lanky legs with its comedically long arms dragging on the floor.

Aiden focused on the sensation he felt. The magic flowing through the creature was all to familiar to him, identical to his own. A warmth made its way over, growing hotter as the creature ran towards him. Except, it was not one that burned, or rather not in the way Aiden was expecting. No, instead it flowed through him, passing running through every blood vessel and vein until it left and returned to the creature.

It slashed its hands at him, Aiden managing to duck under them just in time, wincing from the cuts on his legs. He rolled behind it catching himself and getting back to his feet. His eyes flickered, body struggling to release any magic at all. Fire had a short lasting effect on the creature as even blowing it up didn't particularly do much. However, Aiden felt that even in his weakened state, his magic was being used to keep this thing alive. He could sense it better now. Two long running threads that channeled the magic from his body into the creatures. It was there since he saw his mother in the forest but he had been completely oblivious.

He took hold of the creature by its arms, forcing it to cease its attacks. The energy flowing through the creature was more chaotic, fighting within itself on the inside while it fought him on the outside; thrashing around in an attempt to free itself. Aiden held strong, avoiding its attempts to bite his head off.

Beneath that chaos, there was that faint warmth he felt before. A serene peace that got drowned out by all the fighting.

If only he could reach in deeper...

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