29 | It's All in the Eyes

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Sitting alone in a car brought back too many bad memories.

Cyrus knew he should have taken a bus but like Christian had pointed out, St. Ovid's Hospital was too far off route to walk. On the bright side, Michael was kind enough to lend him his car again seeing as it was a Saturday and he and aunt Rose had plans. As long as he didn't bring any alcohol with him of course.

Admittedly, Cyrus was a bit on edge on his way home last night. After driving Aiden home and waiting for Christian to come home, the three spent a while discussing what they should do with the clues they gathered. Cyrus elected himself to visit St. Ovid's, hoping to speak with Max.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Christian had asked, pulling him aside so Aiden wouldn't hear. He spoke just above a whisper but still conveyed the disapproval in his voice. "He's dangerous Cyrus. If he can do that to Aiden's parents imagine what he will do to y-"

"He's an old man in a mental asylum Christian." Cyrus cut off. "What is he going to do? Suffocate me with a pillow?"

"I'm not joking Cy. Also what if the killer shows up?" Christian's eyebrows furrowed. "I should come with you."

"No." Cyrus shot out. Under no circumstances was that happening. There had been too many instances where Christian has gotten hurt by being involved. Cyrus was going to keep him as far away from this as he could.

"You and Aiden should go to the library and see if you can translate some of the pages in the spell-book," Cyrus said.

Christian's face twisted into a frown but Cyrus ignored it. Instead, he turned to Aiden.

"Anything happens to him, it's on you," Cyrus stated, getting a nod in response.

After which, he took Michael's car and drove home, half expecting Aunt Rose to be waiting with folded arms and a lecture scripted. However, none of that happened. Instead, he opened the door to find Michael alone sitting in the living room with a finger over his lips.

"I told your aunt I sent you to collect my car from the mechanic so she wouldn't get worried about why you were coming home this late," he stated.

Up to now, Michael has not questioned why Cyrus wanted to borrow his car. Not even when he asked a second time.

"Michael, can I borrow your car again tomorrow to go out of town?" Cyrus asked. He attempted to settle the moths in his stomach, praying Michael won't ask why he had to go out of town.

"As long as you call to check in, sure," Michael said.

It was a short conversation and Cyrus was thankful for that.

Still, he half regretted telling Christian not to come with him. Driving for an hour and a half with nothing but the smell of pine trees to keep you company gets boring. The only thing he had as entertainment was the occasional angry driver beeping for him to go faster.

St. Ovid's Hospital was built on the edge of Silver View, a neighbouring town of White Oak. Which was a huge misdirect since miles of trees separating them. The hospital was enormous, painted all in white with numerous statues painted between the hedges. The driveway made Cyrus feel small, the road doubling in width to allow vehicles to easily slip in after being buzzed in through the gate.

As he drove, Cyrus paid attention to all the land space. Although the building itself was three stories tall with gorgeous white and grey pillars decorating the exterior and there were tables and chairs left out perfectly on the front lawn just beyond the front steps, the atmosphere caused Cyrus to remain uneasy.

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