39 | The Witching Hour

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His foot landed not so firmly on the creaky wooden flooring.

The two had contemplated using Rowan's car but that meant using the extra time they did not have. Opting for the quicker, more head-throbbing option meant Cyrus had to once again use his teleportation ability.

Aiden's house still caused a shiver to run down his spine as flashbacks to the last time flooded his head. The damage was prominent with broken walls, scorch marks on the floor and blood splatters here and there. Across the room were ripped strands of caution tape. Aiden stood still as if contemplating whether or not he wanted to journey further into the building. Cyrus didn't blame him. His mind was sure that he had to save Christian at any cost but still, his body found it hard to move.

A scream erupted from upstairs snapping both of the boys out of their thoughts. They rushed up the stairs as fast as they could hopping over broken planks and splinters. The stairs struggled under their stomping feet, releasing creak after creak into the dark void surrounding them. Cyrus knew all too well the origin of the scream; it was now or never. They flew past the wreckage, barrelling into the attic stopping in their tracks the second they laid eyes on Christian's struggling figure under Michael.

The man stood at the other side of the room, knife in hand, carving into the forehead of a still-screaming Christian. He bawled out in pain, the chilling sensation causing Cyrus to act on impulse. One thought alone, Cyrus sent Michael flying upwards onto the ceiling. His back crashed onto the hard material, pinning him in place. The man staggered bobbing up and down like a ball in water as Cyrus struggled to keep his powers active. His head spun, vision blurring from exhaustion.

"Cyrus you don't look too good," Michael teased. Cyrus pushed harder, forcing Michael's body to stiffen against the ceiling, barely able to let out a breath.

Using what little time they had left, Cyrus and Aiden rushed over to Christian's side to examine his condition. The boy continued to scream, blood running down his face, over his eyes and into his mouth. So much so that he did not notice his rescuers.

"Christian calm down!" Cyrus tried to get through to him in between his screaming. He ran his thumbs across Christian's eyes gently wiping away the blood. Christian sighed in relief.

"Are you okay?" Cyrus asked.

"No Cyrus I just had your aunt's boyfriend carve into my forehead with a knife," Christian said.

"You're spending too much time around Aiden," Cyrus chuckled.

"The sarcasm could still use some work though," Aiden chimed in.

Aiden took hold of the cuffs around Christian's wrists, instructing him to look away while he created a small spark to burn through them. He burned the first cuff with no issue, however, when he placed his hands around the second to do the same, he recoiled immediately. The cuff extended, growing green scales and fangs hissing at Aiden.

"Tricky things," Michael chuckled. Cyrus's fists clenched at the sound of his voice, pushing Michael harder and harder against the ceiling yet again. The wood creaked, cracking under the pressure. Planks began to snap in half, tearing away at the foundation before one final push sent Michael flying out of the house.

He should have done that from the start.

Aiden grabbed hold of the snake reducing it to ashes. He then made quick work of the other cuffs at Christian's legs before picking the boy up from the table and embracing him in a hug.

The three of them rushed to the other side of the room, nearing the doorway.

"I swear after tonight I'm going to need one hell of an energy drink," Cyrus groaned.

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