▪️▪️▪️CH. 1▪️▪️▪️

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Jungkook awoke completely disorientated, his head throbbed and his eyes swam as he tried to clear his vision, attempting to remember what had happened and just where the hell he was. He tried to move only to find his legs and arms held firmly in place. His sight slowly cleared and he took the chance to turn his head and gaze around him. He was tied to a chair, wrists and ankles held firmly in place by zip ties. Well that explained the reason for his lack of ability to move. He ached in numerous places from the wounds he'd received during his fight with his attackers, who far outnumbered him, as the reality that he had been captured sank into his fuzzy mind.

"I see you are awake."

Jungkook's head jerked as the door opened and someone entered the room. His eyes narrowed and he shut his mouth quickly.The person walked towards him and paused at the side table, placing a metal kidney dish on its surface. Jungkook's eyes met with those of his captor for the first time.

"You won't get anything out of me," he growled as he set his chin in defiance.

The captor chuckled. "I'm pretty sure you will soon change your mind." The man reached into the kidney dish and extracted a needle. He fitted it to a syringe filled with a yellow fluid.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he observed the actions. "Wh-what are you gonna do?"

The man paused and stared at his prisoner. "I want to know who sent you, who you work for, who gives you your orders... and you are going to tell me."


"Let's see...are you an undercover officer I wonder. FBI? CIA perhaps."


"Not gonna talk?" The man sighed. "I didn't think this was going to be easy." He lifted the syringe and removed the cover to the needle, gently pushing the plunger a little way and releasing some of the fluid from within. He picked up an alcohol swab and rubbed it briskly over Jungkook's arm. Placing a rubber tourniquet over the boy's biceps, he tapped at the vein, encouraging it to swell.

The needle was brought to his now prominent vein and eased into the vessel. The plunger went down and the fluid seeped into Jungkook's bloodstream. Removing the needle the man released the tourniquet and stepped back, dropping the used utensils into the kidney dish. He turned and looked back at the pale, sweating young man.

"What the hell did you inject into me?"

"Nothing much." The evil smile was in place. "Just a little concoction that will help to break down your defenses and make you a little more... shall we say, amiable to answer our questions?"

"How?" Jungkook asked wearily.

"This drug will act upon your nervous system. It tells your brain to release hormones into your bloodstream that will enhance the feeling of pain."

Jungkook swallowed... hard. Shit!

"The mere action of, such as a pinch to your skin, will be enhanced ten fold. I'm sure I don't need to elaborate any further, you're an intelligent boy, you should be able to figure it out. Now, it will take a while for the drug to invade your system completely, so rather than keep you here my men will take you to a more...secure location."


Jungkook was dumped unceremoniously inside before the door locked behind him.

He picked himself up off the floor and gazed around the barren room before giving a sigh. He shuffled to the mattress lying on the floor and curled up on it, exhausted as his eyes slid shut. His breathing evened out as sleep claimed his weary body, the drug in his system began to infiltrate his brain causing the various glands to begin secreting their fluids.


Deep inside his abdomen, a long defunct ovary stirred slightly, and a follicle began the first stages of formation.

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