Jungkook attended his next blood test with Jimin; he'd taken the full course of iron tablets and waited anxiously for the results.
The results came through and showed a marked increase in the iron levels. Jungkook was relieved he could continue to work in the field, and Taehyung was happy for him. They continued to work on the various cases that Yoongi gave them, most ending with positive results and more criminals behind bars. Jungkook began to feel he was really making a difference, Taehyung also shared the sentiment.
Three months had now passed since Jungkook had first begun to take the iron supplements, and he was due for the next of his blood tests. He duly turned up at the medical wing and suffered through having his arm poked and the red fluid drawn from him. Three hours later Jimin e-mailed him, requesting he return to the medical floor for the results. He gave Tae a warm smile and a quick kiss before departing to meet with the doctor.
Taehyung watched him go, and once Jungkook was out of sight, he let his worry show through. He couldn't help it, Jungkook was everything to him and although there was no reason for him to feel worried about the results, he did.
"Ahh, Jungkook. Please, come in and take a seat," Jimin said as he spotted the young agent entering the medical offices section. "I'll just be a moment," he added before he turned back to the student medic he was engaged in conversation with.
Jungkook went through to the office and sat down, automatically fiddling with his fingers. A moment later Jimin entered the office, "Sorry Kookie."
Jungkook shook his head, "It's okay hyung. I take it, you have my results back?"
"Yes, I do." Jimin's face was unreadable so Jungkook couldn't guess what was going on. He watched warily as Jimin picked up his file from the desk and opened it, lifting out the small piece of paper that contained letters and numbers on it. He frowned, "Your tests show that your levels are not remaining constant. They seem to be up and down compared to the last ones and the ones before that."
Jungkook's face clouded and his stomach went into knots. "What does that mean hyung?"
"It's like I said before, the levels don't look as if they will remain stable without supplements."
"But I'm eating iron rich foods."
"I know that, Kookie, but sometimes it isn't enough. The human body is a very complex thing, and everyone is different. Some people have trouble keeping constant levels of insulin for example, others iodine, in your case it appears to be iron. Everything else is fine. It puzzles me though as to why iron. I don't think I have seen such varied levels in a male before."
Jimin scratched his head.
"The big question though, is am I still going to be able to be a field agent?"
Jimin detected the small trace of anxiety in Jungkook's voice.
"Yes, Kookie. You can still remain in the field, but only if you continue to take the supplements. I'm afraid though that it looks like you will have to take them for some time to come."
Jungkook's face took on a relieved look. "I don't mind, I'm happy to take them if it means that I can continue to work in the field. Is that all hyung?"
"I'll write you out another prescription, get it filled as soon as you can and start taking the tablets right away. I'm going to try something different."
"Oh?" Jungkook asked curiously.
"Yes. This dose rate is a little lower than the last, I want to try and see what is the lowest dose you can be on and have your body remain constant." Jimin handed Jungkook the prescription. "I'll see you back in about another month and we will take another test to determine what is happening."

FanficJungkook holds a secret deep within him, a secret not even he was aware of.... until it reveals itself in the form of a child.