Namjoon rubbed his temples, he could feel the dull ache beginning to spread and knew he was headed for a full blown headache, and soon. The debate had gone back and forth, costs, viability, projected success rates. He knew it was all a vital part of the process and his team had prepared a thorough report on each and every possible outcome. While the reports had been accepted, they were now discussing, Namjoon thought arguing was a better term, the staffing levels and questioning the number and qualifications of those that would be needed.
Why the hell they couldn't simply agree to disagree and sign the damn papers was beyond Namjoon and he was seriously beginning to get fed up with the petty arguments of a couple of the politicians. He would have thought they would be happy to simply pass the whole deal over to Kim Enterprises considering how the company was providing the basic funding to get the project off the ground and running. Further down the track the half-way houses would begin to pay for themselves; of that Namjoon was certain. It was almost as if these people wanted the project to fail.
Namjoon was well aware that there was still a lot of stigma and prejudice out there towards the people he's aiming to help.
The thumping in his head began to get worse and Namjoon reached for his glass of water. He took a long drink of the cool water and eyed the current speaker, Mr Kang. He was a tall, thin man, with a face like a weasel, or so Namjoon thought. He'd been arguing the same point for the last fifteen minutes and Namjoon had had enough. He was about to open his mouth to speak when the door suddenly flew open and there was a shout of;
Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the door to see what or who had interrupted them. Four men, clad all in black spilled into the room and stood inside the doorway, each clutched a semi automatic. They moved to the side to allow a fifth person to enter and it was at that moment that Mr. Kang chose to voice his annoyance at the disturbance.
"You can't just come barging in here. This is a private meeting," Kang stated as he turned to walk towards the men.
"I said, FREEZE!" One of the black garbed figures raised his semi automatic and waved it in the air.
Mr. Kang was either very brave or very dumb; Namjoon put his money on the latter, as he continued walking towards the uninvited guests.
"I don't believe you heard me. This is a private meeting," began Kang again.
"I heard you," said the fifth figure from the doorway. "I don't believe you heard us though. Kill him."
Before Kang, or anyone else for that matter had a chance to fully comprehend the words, one of the figures raised his gun and shot Kang cleanly through the head. Kang's eyes went wide and then he crumpled to the floor, a pool of red spreading rapidly from his head.
The remaining people in the room watched, horrified as the drama unfolded.
"Would anyone else like to see how brave they can be?" The figure looked around the room. "Good. Now that I have your undivided attention I will introduce myself. My name is Lee, Lee Kwanghee."
"If I may be so bold, what is it you're doing here and what do you want?"
Lee paused for a moment and then turned around to face the frightened people. An evil glint appeared in his eye as he scanned over the group. "What I want..." He paused again and his eyes narrowed as he looked directly at Namjoon, a flickering of recognition in his eyes. "It's quite simple. I want the release of certain men currently imprisoned for anti-government crimes."
"That's impossible!" answered Senator Park.
"Nothing is impossible," replied Lee. "It's really very easy. You call your superiors and arrange to have those men released and in return I will release all of you. I'm pretty sure that the government and the hierarchy wouldn't like to have the deaths of several noted politicians and one Mr. Kim Namjoon on their consciences. Would they?" Lee moved to stand over Namjoon. "And believe me when I say I will kill you all if my demands are not met."

FanfictionJungkook holds a secret deep within him, a secret not even he was aware of.... until it reveals itself in the form of a child.