The fetus moved softly in its watery world. The happy sensation from earlier was still partially with it. It felt something press against the cocoon it was embedded in, then retreat. It didn't feel any danger though. If anything its mother appeared totally relaxed... and that made the fetus feel safe.
Jungkook began to stir, his mind was fuzzy, his mouth felt full of cotton wool and his limbs were heavy. He tried to raise his head and open his eyes, pain throbbed in his abdomen and a small moan escaped his lips. A soft voice greeted his ears.
"Hey, kookie, glad to see you're awake."
"H-Hoseok hyung..."
Dr. Jung looked down at the boy and smiled. "How are you feeling?"
"T-tired, fuzzy, weak..."
"The anesthetic is still lingering in your system, it's natural. Any pain?"
Hoseok smiled, "Don't worry Kookie, he's here, he's coming."
The door to the recovery room opened and Taehyung walked in, Jimin and Yoongi close behind. He headed toward the bed and enveloped his lover into a warm embrace.
"Let's get him to the ward." Jimin said as he took hold of one side of the bed, Hoseok lifted the saline bag from its hook on the stand and placed it on the hook attached to the bed above Jungkook's head. Once the bag was secured, the three of them began to maneuver the bed out of the recovery room and along the passage to the section that housed the wards.
"Ward Four," Jimin said. Hoseok nodded while Yoongi followed. Taehyung sat upon the bed, still cradling Jungkook carefully in his arms, as the younger refused to let him go. They soon arrived at the ward and wheeled the bed inside, pushing the bed up against the wall. Jimin disappeared for a moment and then returned, monitor in tow. He set about hooking the thing up to Kook and then pressed several buttons, the machine humming softly and displaying information upon the screen.
Jimin scanned the machine; as it displayed Jungkook's heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and breathing rate. He lifted the chart from the end of the bed and made a few notes before approaching the pair reclining quietly on it.
"Taehyung, I need to check his stitches."
Tae nodded and gently lowered his boyfriend to the pillow and removed himself from the bed.
"Hyungie?" Jungkook's eyes cracked open as he spoke.
"I'm right here, Kookie. I'm not leaving you, but Jimin hyung needs to check your wounds."
Jungkook nodded and reached out a hand which Taehyung promptly took, Jungkook's fingers immediately entwining with Tae's, seeking reassurance.
Jimin, with Hoseok's assistance, gently rolled Jungkook to his back. He carefully removed the gauze padding that covered the wound site and proceeded to check the neat row of stitches. The wound itself looked angry and red but the stitches were firmly in place.
Jimin replaced the gauze and then rolled Jungkook on to his stomach so he could check the wound on his back. Again the gauze was lifted and Jimin was pleased to note that the stitches had held up remarkably well. He replaced the gauze and turned to address both men.
"Kookie, I don't know how much of this you will remember, but you have just undergone major abdominal surgery to have a bullet removed. I need you to rest. You have stitches in your abdomen and your back; I would like them to stay there until the wounds have begun to heal."

FanfictionJungkook holds a secret deep within him, a secret not even he was aware of.... until it reveals itself in the form of a child.