▪️▪️▪️CH. 12▪️▪️▪️

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Jungkook looked up from his sketchbook as Jimin entered the small room carrying a kidney dish which he promptly placed on the bedside table.

"How are you feeling now, Jungkook-ah?"

"Sore, but nothing I can't handle," he replied. "So, what's that for?" he asked, nodding in the direction of the kidney dish.

"I need to get that blood sample from you."

Jimin dipped into the dish and removed a black 'rubber band' which he placed over Jungkook's biceps and tightened. He took the alcohol swab and wiped over the vein. Removing the needle from the dish he quickly pierced the skin and vein, drawing the plunger back and filling the syringe with rich, red blood.

He reached for the 'rubber band' and released it, slipping the needle out of the vein and pressing over the tiny hole to prevent blood loss. Jimin dropped the syringe into the kidney dish and picked up a piece of cotton wool and a roll of surgical tape. Placing the cotton wool over the hole he cut a piece of tape and secured it over the top, raising Jungkook's arm up as he finished.

"Just keep your arm elevated for a couple of minutes, Kook."


"Agent Kim Taehyung, after hearing your report, reading Agent Jeon's statement and listening to Agent Min's description of the events, coupled with the visual evidence from the security tapes I have drawn my conclusions in regards to the death of the terrorist."

Taehyung stiffened.

"Due to the circumstances of the shooting I feel that you acted in a professional manner at all times and took the only course of action that was left available to you to ensure the safety of both yourself and your partner as well as the general public. There will be no charges made in regards to the death of the terrorist known as Joo-Won."

Taehyung felt himself slump in his chair, he hadn't been aware of how tense he'd been.


The tension returned.

"In relation to you leaving your post. You were on assignment to maintain the security, not go rushing off to save a fellow agent, regardless of how good those intentions may have been. This breach of authority cannot go undisciplined."

Taehyung braced himself.

"Therefore as Commander of the Ministry of National Security agency I hereby suspend you from active duty for the period of two weeks."

Taehyung's eyes widened and his jaw dropped in shock.

Sejin's eyes were twinkling as he continued to speak. "The two weeks suspension will be effective immediately and will be fully paid. I expect you to take care of your injured partner, Agent Kim." Sejin smiled at Taehyung,"Dismissed."

Taehyung stood up, his mind in a daze. Had he just heard everything correctly? Yoongi bowed at the Commander and walked with Tae out of the office.

Once they were clear Yoongi turned to his fellow agent, his dark eyes showing a hint of amusement.

"I'd say you got off pretty lightly, Taehyung," he said, as they walked along the corridor towards the elevator.

Taehyung turned to look at his superior and friend. "I'm not sure I completely understand."

"It's quite simple. There won't be any charges made in regards to the shooting, but the blatant disregard for authority and staying at your post cannot go undisciplined. If Commander Sejin was to let you off then it would look bad for him. Jungkook is going to need your assistance once he's discharged from the hospital so by suspending you, not only do you get the time necessary to take care of him but the Commander doesn't lose face either."

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