▪️▪️▪️CH. 46▪️▪️▪️

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Jin brought the car to a halt outside the front doors of the mansion and raced back inside. He'd contacted Seojun whilst getting the car from the garage, the guards disarming the outer security and heading to open the main gates. Jin gave Hoseok a nod as he arrived back in the lounge room.

"How's he doing?"

"Blood pressure is a little high; temperature is normal, pulse elevated. Fetal heartbeat is regular with no sign of distress at this stage. Could you take his bag, the pillow and blanket and then come back to help me get him in the car?"

"Right on it." Jin grabbed the items and shot out the door again.

"Jungkook? How are you feeling?" asked Hoseok as he ran a hand over the boy's forehead.

"I've been better," replied Jungkook. "Cramps have stopped for the moment, which is a relief."

"Good. I'm hoping Jimin will be able to give you something to halt the contractions once we get to the hospital. Jin will be back in a moment and then we're going to walk outside to the car. You think you can walk okay?"

Kookie nodded. "I should be all right. I just hope I don't get another one of those pains."

"If you do, you let me know immediately and we will stop."

"Okay." Kookie tried to distract himself from thoughts of the baby and birth by switching his attention back to the television. There wasn't much happening at all. The live broadcast had been halted for the moment and it was only the anchor news man who was currently occupying the screen.

"We apologize for the disruption to the broadcast and hope to have our field reporter back with us very soon..." The newsman went on, recapping the events that had happened thus far but not being able to add anything new. Jungkook only half listened, his hand was absently rubbing his stomach while the other part of his mind worried about Yoongi, Taehyung and Namjoon.

Jin returned and crouched beside Jungkook on the couch. "Anything new?" he asked as he inclined his head towards the television.

"No. Seems they've lost touch with the ground crew."

It was up to Taehyung now. All Jin could do was wait; and hope that Namjoon would stay alive. Meanwhile he had promised Tae he would take care of Kookie for him and Jin wouldn't let his friend down. Only problem was, Jin wasn't what Jungkook needed.

Jungkook needed Taehyung.

But Tae was several miles away risking his life to save Jin's husband and many other noted dignitaries' lives.

"Right. Take it slow and steady now. A little at a time, we don't want you putting any more stress on yourself," said Hoseok as he supported Kookie's back, helping the pregnant man to move to the edge of the couch.

Realizing that Hoseok was trying to get Jungkook mobile, Jin pulled himself from his thoughts and focused on how best to help. He would have to trust Tae to rescue his husband for him; and trust Namjoon's tactical skills to keep him alive.


Bada glanced at her watch. It had been twenty minutes since the body had landed on top of their van and Jaeseok had contacted the studio for backup. It was frustrating to say the least. She had the scoop of the month right here in front of her and there wasn't a damn thing she could do. Jaeseok had filmed a little more but the battery pack was beginning to run low on the camera and he didn't want to waste it unnecessarily. Once the replacement van arrived he'd have access to back up power and spare batteries.

Nothing more had really happened since the unfortunate plummet to earth of the victim. The police had moved everyone back further, more for their own safety than anything and now people were simply milling about and asking the same questions of each other and the police. No one had anything new to offer though.

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